Wednesday, December 23, 2015

It's the most wonderful time of the year

 Today is Christmas Eve, Eve.. Sounds funny when you say that out loud.. Seems weird to be saying it all, actually. It seems like just yesterday we were preparing for the upcoming holidays, but it wasn't this close. The hustle and all that goes into making it a great holiday seems to go by so fast. Holiday parties, buying presents, decorating trees, then in a flash the holidays are over.

Time seems to move by so much faster the older I get. When I was a child it seemed like FOREVER for Christmas to come, and now I keep saying, it's almost Christmas? Where does all of that time go? I remember as a child hearing, Don't grow up too fast, and all I could think of was wanting to grow up fast. It's funny how that happens.. Now, as an adult I hope for more days in a week so that I can get everything done. This week has already flown by, when just last week, I thought I could get everything accomplished this week. Time just always seems to run out..

Finishing up my first round of edits was harder than I thought. I had wanted to be done with them before the winter break came. It happened, but it was a struggle. Writing seems to come more natural to me than actually speaking to others. (I do talk to people, and can be quiet friendly) But, I find writing everything out just seems to go smoother. (Haha, because most of the time I don't have to worry about saying the wrong thing) It lets me get everything off my mind that I feel I can't say aloud. I am sure that I do say many things I shouldn't say aloud, but writing down your thoughts seems to be such an easier task.

When I was a teenager I would write about the holidays, just for myself, everything I had hoped would happen and everything I had wished for would all come magically, on Christmas. Many years, it wasn't about gifts, it was about peace. Peace within myself, peace for my relationship with my parents, and peace within my heart.

Now, I find that writing about the holidays seems to be about making sure that my children are happy, and that they have peace.

Every year is different, last year, I was preparing for what had been one of the worst years of my life to just move on into the new year.. This year I am not waiting for the new year, I am enjoying the every day life.

As the holidays will soon be over I wanted to take a minute and reflect on everything wonderful about the holidays. The food, the family, the friends, and the love. It's my favorite time of the year, and I hope that you have found peace this year too. Remember, it's not always about what's under the tree, but what's in your heart that makes all the magic seem so real.

I wish every one of you a very Happy Holiday! Peace, Love, and all that Jazz- Dee

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Playlist Wednesday

                                Today, we are doing some NEW music that I found this week.

Today, is Playlist Wednesday. Usually it's songs that I will be using in the books.. Today, we are switching that up a little.  By now, if you have read the blog, or if you're new, you should know that I try to promote Indie Bands, while I also try to promote the music that moves me.

It's a broad range of music, but that's what I like. (I can't help it..) I found some really cool tunes, and some awesome bands on Twitter this week. I decided what better day to share then playlist Wednesday.

Let's just jump right in to the two bands I want to feature this week. (May be an older one too!)

First off, let me say that both bands I contacted could not have been more awesome in response time, and were more than willing to take the time to talk to little ole' me. That speaks volumes for their characters as people. You could really tell they love their fans.

The first band is out of Los Angeles. Now, at first when I hear a band is from there, I go straight into the thought process of  the band 30 seconds from Mars. (Obviously, I'm a big fan of them. Haha)

They are Ships Have Sailed.

They have a song called Drive, that I immediately fell in love with. They are being played on the college radio circuit and have been praised for their first EP, Someday, that was released in 2014. This band has a cool sound.

 I tried to think of who they sounded like to compare them, but honestly I couldn't. All I could think was the song Drive, should be playing on the radio world wide, and possibly in a movie. Typically, I like an Indie band, but not enough to listen to their songs on repeat. This one I did.

They have a great website that allows you to hear their album.. You can also purchase their songs. (Believe me, I will be downloading Drive to my computer to have on repeat!)

(I will share the links at the bottom!)

This band has the potential to rock your socks off if you love Alternative Pop in any way. Be sure to listen to their album, it's most definitely worth it! (Even if you don't, you gotta take a listen, it's worth the 3 minutes to just hear one song!)

Okay, Band Number 2 on my list this week...

The Shameless Pursuit.

They are based from my hometown, Kansas City. This part was exciting for me. I hadn't found a local band to talk about in a while, and then these awesome guys appeared!

The Shameless Pursuit started this past year, 2015, and are already rising artists among the Indie world. They have a singer/songwriter type vibe.

 They have released their first album in October of this year.

They have been played on local radio stations, and the college circuit too. Again, I tried to find a band that I thought I could compare them too.. The only one that kept running through my mind was Death Cab for Cutie. They seriously have a very unique sound like Death Cab does.

Their album, Fall it Forward, took me by surprise. They have this kick ass song, The Opener, and I really enjoyed it. I listened to their album on repeat too. I really enjoy their sound. It's got a hint of folk in there too, but it's also the type of music that you can chill to. If you haven't had the chance to check them out, it's a must! I have to say the song Captains and Kings was my favorite though.

Both bands made me so happy to see that you don't have to be mainstream to be amazing! It gave me hope again in the Indie world of music. (I have had some bands share with me, and I was like.. Oh boy, not sure what to even say about that?)

But then again, these people are pouring their hearts into their music, and that's something I'll always find admirable. No one is going to like every song, by every band, that's why there is such a broad range of music in the world.

If the music moves you, then by all means, keep listening.

I also mentioned that I might talk about an old band today.. It's really not an old band, it's just been around for a while, and I wondered how many people have heard them.

Iron and Wine. It has got to be some of the best folk type music I have ever heard.

They had a very hit song that was played on the Twilight movie soundtracks, and I fell in love with that song. The song, Flightless Bird American Mouth, was so beautiful, it really struck me to the core. I just loved his raspy voice, the lyrics, and the music over all to that song. If you haven't had a chance to hear that song. Please, check it out. You can find the whole album on Spotify, and or Youtube. It's just a song that can move you.

You can slow dance to it, it can make your body sway back and forth, and bring memories of a love. That's what this song does for me.

Alright, so now to the links of the awesome Indie Bands today.

Please go check out these bands, you will not be sorry! And as usual, if you love the music they provide for our listening pleasure, purchase the album. They work hard to bring us such joy!

That's all for today, my fine friends, see you on the flip side!

Peace, Love, and All that Jazz- Dee

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

It's the most wonderful time of the year

It's the month of December and what most people call the most wonderful time of the year. The holiday season is truly upon us with only a couple weeks left till Christmas and the New Year. For whatever reason people seem more giving and caring at this time of year. Maybe it's the "holiday spirit" may be it's the fact that people do seem to like to give than to receive more at this time of year than any other time.

 For whatever reason, I find it uplifting.

Many people have different beliefs, many people in many countries celebrate the holidays in their own customs and ways. Some people are very religious and take this time of year to share their beliefs with others. I don't do that.. I won't be doing that. I feel the holidays are so much more than what people perceive them to be. It's not about your religious beliefs, it's not about how much you can buy for others, it's about what's in your heart.

That being said, if we were going to go off of belief systems then Christmas would actually be celebrated a different time of year, but again that's all subject to the person's beliefs.

I find that celebrating what I believe, celebrating the family time, and the love with one another is where I find the joy of the holiday season. Everyone should be able to enjoy the holidays as they wish.

When I was a child I have some of the fondest memories waking up on Christmas morning, the house already having this wonderful aroma in the air, and the feeling of joy in my heart. Now, my birthday is the very next day, so sometimes it was the excitement of that too, but for the most part I enjoyed the holiday.

 As a grown up I have spent a Christmas alone, I have spent holidays giving back to the homeless (it's wonderful to be able to give back when you can) I have spent the holiday traveling back and forth to family, I have spent the holiday crying.. Every year is different, every holiday season is different for each person.

This holiday I would like to just take a time to reflect on the past year, the past holidays, and make this one count. Last year we had almost what you would call a Christmas miracle happen.. I am not looking for anything like that this year, just a wonderful season of love and joy.

Many people suffer with being depressed this time of year, for whatever reason, and I am hoping that they find some peace and joy in this holiday season too.

We all come from different back grounds, different places, but that doesn't mean that we can't be kind to one another. Not just for the holidays, but in our every day life. Of course, not everyone is going to be able to do that, especially with the evil that seems to be lurking over our heads so much lately. BUT it's a nice holiday wish.

With all of this being said, I wanted to share a song with all of you today. I am not religious, I am not what most people are, I don't share many of my religious beliefs, but I found this song, and it was just beautiful.

I love music, and I love natural talent of the voices that can bring you joy. It doesn't matter what you believe, when you hear a song and it moves you, that's all that matters for those few minutes. I believe that you can like music, you can like songs that you enjoy, and it doesn't matter what your religious beliefs are. I hope that you find this song beautiful, and that may be for those few minutes it takes you to a peaceful place whatever you believe.

-Peace, Love, and all that Jazz- Dee 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


This took some time, and some crazy brain storming... but Charmed Destiny has a new cover. The one I had originally done wasn't working. It wasn't the right size, and I felt like it wasn't what I had wanted. It wasn't what I had wanted for this book. So, after a very long time.. The concept to what you are about to see became a reality. It was a lot of going back and forth on what I had wanted.. what I felt was the concept of the story but not give away too much.

Before, I reveal the new cover (covers, Charming Selene has a new one too!) I wanted to share some more of the rest of the playlist with you.

Let's get this party started, shall we?

Panic! at the Disco- Victorious

Banks- Warm Water

Ellie Goulding- On my Mind

Adele- Hello

Death Cab for Cutie- The ghosts of Beverly Drive

And the final songs will be revealed next week! I will also share quite a few videos for the playlists too. If you want to see the entire list and hear the music, feel free to check out my website.

Now, for what I have been waiting to share with you all.. Drum Roll Please.......

Charmed Destiny! Hope you all like it! Peace, Love, and all that Jazz- Dee

Thanksgiving Holiday

       Today, before we get into the fun for the newest cover reveal, I thought we could discuss a little bit of the holidays. (There will be two blog posts today, so stay tuned.. We do have the cover reveal!)

Also, there won't be a playlist Wednesday this week due to the holiday, but we shall share some tunes today from the book playlist on the other blog post. I don't think I have shared all of them yet, so we have a few more to go.. (I know, that list is crazy long, huh?)

Many, many years ago we started a celebration called Thanksgiving in the United States. This holiday originally was to become friends with the Native Americans. They shared each others food with a huge feast.. Now, some people in America, don't celebrate this holiday because of what happened with the Native Americans. I think we all know the cowboy and Indian stories. I can understand why those people don't celebrate it. Now, a days, it's more about spending the holiday with your family, a football game, and a ton of food... all to prepare for the biggest shopping day in America the next day. I am not sure how I feel about the fact that this holiday has became so commercial based for the big business industry that we have lost sight of what and how this all began. I also struggle with the fact that my grandfather (mother's side) was what people called a half breed. He was half Cherokee Indian. He grew up on the reservation, and left when he was 15 years old because of the way they were treated back then. You would think that we as a country could have done more for the people we stole the land from, but I guess that was never the plan after that first Thanksgiving.

 I try not to think about all of that, and focus on what I find important for this holiday season.

When I was a teenager I spent some holidays with friends, due to my father spending the week deer hunting. It was never that big of a deal... I never realized how that would effect me as a parent. I couldn't imagine not being with my daughters on the holidays. Any holiday actually... I know as they get older that I may not always have this chance, but I sure as heck will try to spend the holidays with my daughters.
What Thanksgiving means to me now, as an adult, is family, friends, and being with ones you love. I am now the mom that gets to cook some of the holiday favorites, even that feels weird at times, because as we grow up we are used to our grandparents and mothers and fathers cooking the big meal. I am very grateful that I am blessed to have my little family and the traditions we have made for our children. I won't lie, we eat a ton of food, whatever is left over we either save to eat later and or give away to others who didn't have the meal. It's about giving .. giving back to others.. being thankful for what I have. Everyone in this world is going through so much, and at times, it's nice to stop and be thankful for what we do have. On this holiday I hope that you spend it with others that you love, and remember that life is short... Live it to the fullest.

Thank you for reading my blog, and if you need somewhere to go for the holiday.. My door is always open!

Peace, Love, and all that Jazz- Dee

Friday, November 20, 2015


Just wanted to share a Friday Funny with you all! Hope you enjoy your weekend.. Next week we will discuss the Thanksgiving holiday and all that fun that comes with them. Till then..
Peace, Love, and All that Jazz- Dee

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Oops I did it again..

I totally missed playlist Wednesday. I got caught up with other things I was doing and it totally slipped my mind. So sorry. Today I am going to give more of the book's playlist and a video! Yepee! I knew you guys would be excited. (Haha, okay may be not, but let's pretend.) On my website the entire list will be on there, but if you want to wait and see how many songs and how the story plays out through music feel free to just keep reading the blogs.

Like I said before this one took a long time to really put together and where would the songs make sense at the right times. I still did the one song that would sum up the book as a whole. That's the last song I will share. Before we get into the list, let's talk about what's going on this week in this crazy world.

From what the news is telling us is, France has done some major counter attacks on the ISIS group. (Hell yes! GO FRANCE!) These so called religious groups need to understand that when you take an innocent life then you probably get what you deserve. That may sound harsh, but it's the way it works. You can't murder others and not think you won't ever have to pay the ultimate price for taking someone's life. So again I am all for France taking matters into their own hands. I just didn't think it was going to be this fast.

What else do we have... Oh, I said I had a surprise about the Charming Series. I have two new covers that will be revealed for the first book, and the book we are about to publish. I always get so nervous when it comes to the cover reveals. (I cross my fingers and hope you like it.) These covers are way different and when they are revealed I will explain why they have the covers they do now. It's exciting and terrifying all in one. That's what I finished yesterday, hence why the blog post didn't come out.

Let's get to the music shall we? I think I stopped at Atlas Genius, for the first part of the soundtrack to the novel. Here we go.....

Fall Out Boy- Immortals

X-Ambassadors- Renegade

The Black Keys- Everlasting Light

Justin Timberlake- Sexy Back

Death Cab for Cutie- Black Sun

Slipknot- The Devil Inside

Ellie Goulding- Burn

Fall Out Boy- Centuries

Five Finger Death Punch- Wrong Side of Heaven

This is it for today, the last will be revealed next Wednesday for our final playlist list. I also wanted to say that the playlist will be listed in the book, just not the songs, that's an exclusive to the blogs and the website only.

Now, for the video as promised! This is the lyrics one, so you can see where the book is going.

Peace, Love, and all that Jazz- Dee

P.S. Next week we shall discuss the upcoming holiday. Stay tuned....

Monday, November 16, 2015

The Playlist!

Alright, Alright, Alright.. The playlist for the new book, Enchanted Legacy is done!
WHEW! It's a long one, but the music tells the story.. With this book I knew that it was going to be a difficult one for me to put all the music into a summed up version. In the book, I will have the bands I used for the playlist but I will not be putting the songs. Only on my blogs and social media will the actually songs be listed. I am going to break this up into parts for this blog. I would like to also post a couple of videos with the playlist that I want to share, but the playlist starts today..

Okay, so here we go with the beginning of the playlist!

Prologue - (Yes, there is a small one) It has a song too. Haha.

Godsmack- I Stand Alone

Saint Motel- Cold, cold Man

The Weekend- Can't feel my face

Florence and the Machine- What kind of Man

Twenty One Pilots- Stressed Out

This is the first part of the playlist. The songs, the lyrics, should help you see where the book is at and where it's going... It should tell a story in itself. Check out some of the music or videos, and as always.. Give them the love they deserve!

There is so much to come! Hope you enjoy the story through music..

Peace, Love, and all that Jazz- Dee

I stand with France

Today I will have two blog posts, but I wanted to touch on the aftermath of France.

I couldn't believe what I was reading, hearing and seeing in France on Friday night. It was heart breaking. Nobody deserves to die in the manner that they did, and no one deserves to die at the hand of a terrorist. Let's just call them what they are, cowards. That's not something to die for that's just pure evil. Hate that is turning people away from the religion they believe will set them free. There's no way that this can be what they truly believe to be true. Killing someone, killing others is just a coward move. There's no religion that says this is okay. We may all have different beliefs, but that much hate doesn't come from somewhere out of love for what you believe.. That comes from a dark hole that you call a heart.

My heart still mourns with the country of France. I remember exactly where I was when the towers fell here in America, and that was the same feeling I had for France. It's shocking, then it makes you angry.

I stand today with France. I understand your loss, and the need for revenge... I just don't know if there will ever be true answers for what they have done. No one could ever thought on a random Friday night that something so catastrophic could happen to a country at once. I know that when 9/11 happened it was something that I never could have believed would happen. You feel unsafe, you become aware of everything and everyone around you. You become scared because you don't know what's going to happen next... BUT that let's them win. Stand TALL, show them you will not be defeated!

You are in my thoughts. Stand strong!

-France you are loved!-


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

November 11th...

Today, in America, we give honor to our veterans who have fought for our country. I didn't want to go without saying something in honor of them today. I truly believe that these men and women are the true hero's. When you sign on the dotted line you sign just more than a contract to say yes I will do this job, you sign it knowing that you may have to put your life on the line for others. That's something I find quite beautiful in a world so full of hate at times. People never seem to understand what they go through, what their families go through, it's a lot more than then just bringing home a paycheck. So, today I say thank you for your serving your country. If you have served for my country, your country, I thank you too. You are not forgotten!

On a very different note, today is also PLAYLIST Wednesday.. I am in edits like I said last time, and as I edit, I see where I need to add music for certain parts. I promised to bring you music, and let the music tell the story, and I am trying my best to keep my promise. For today.. We have something a little different, but not really. I needed a love song. (I know.. I know.. yuck, love.. HAHA!) Either way, this book is somewhat a love story still, so I needed a song for the beginning of the book too. I am still searching for a song to sum up the Charmed Destiny, but that won't be released till the very end of all the music I have chosen. (That's my top secret one..) Okay, for today I am going to share another video. Hope you listen to the words, and the music moves you.

I have another secret I am going to share with you at one point this week or the next, stay tuned!

Thanks for reading my random thoughts today. Hug a veteran if you get the chance.
Peace, Love and All that Jazz- Dee King

Without further ado, I give you Ellie Goulding....

Thursday, November 5, 2015

So much, so little...

Oops.. I missed playlist Wednesday, but I had a good reason. I finally finished writing the second book of the Charming Series.

That's right, it's finally finished. Now, onto edits, book covers, the list goes on, but the book is finished. I am hoping to publish it very soon!

I was looking for more songs for the book.. I found one that I fell in love with.

If only for now- by Pop Evil.

This song just made sense to me. It also reminded me of a particular part in the book. I want to share the song with you guys today.

"If only for now.. So if you lay here with me now, I promise the stars won't make a sound.. If you stay with me just for a while."

I think those are the chorus lyrics, please don't quote me, because I could be wrong.

There isn't an official video but I did find a video that I could at least share the song with you. If you remember this story is from Sebastian's point of view. Like I have said I am not even sure this book is wrote well from a guy's point of view.. Well, because I am not a guy. But, I really wanted to tell the story from his point of view so you could see Selene through his eyes. I got quite a bit of "flack" about Selene being particular ways. I wanted to change peoples perspective of her. The Charming Series is based loosely on my life and many other books I have loved. I added twists and turns in this book. I hope that everyone enjoys this one.

Back to the matter at hand.. The song. Here is the video. Hope you enjoy!

-Peace, Love, and all that Jazz- Dee King

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Hey, Hey, Hey!

It's playlist Wednesday folks! We are gonna stray a little bit from our usual Indie Rock music this week. It's shocking, I know, but sometimes I do listen to other types of music. (Now, let's not get crazy, I don't do it that much.)

Alright, I am not sure if you have heard the new Adele song, but, man oh man she came back with a song that just speaks right to ya.

The album is named 25. They say this will be the last one she calls a number on the name of her albums. The new song released is Hello. If you are not a fan of hers, you have to at least give the woman credit. She sings and people become moved by her voice. That's a unique gift in itself.

"It's no secret, that the both of us are running out of time. Hello .... I am calling to tell you that I am sorry for breaking your heart, but it don't matter, clearly it doesn't bother you anymore.."

Those are some powerful lyrics written. Beautiful. Just an angelic like voice that she has, that brings people together over a common pain or a common voice that people stop just to listen to. That's what music is supposed to do. Make you feel. I hope that you will give her new song a listen, I found it to be quite beautiful.

Okay, so let's see what else may be making the playlist for Charmed Destiny. This playlist is gonna be hard for me.There's so many songs, and just so little time.  I have been taking my time trying to put this one together. I also promise in the back of the book the list will be made public, not just on my blog, but of course, you guys get the list before anyone else.

Let's see if I can't find some good ones that are a little out of my box.
Here we go....

The Weekend- Can't feel my face.

Haha! Love this song. I have no idea why, but I do. I love the beat, and when it switches up in the first 20 seconds of the song. It makes you feel like you could just stop, listen, and bust a move. (Some throwback to the 90's there.)

It's not surprising I like the new Ellie Goulding song either. This chick has a voice that I recognize immediately. I like it when I can know who the band or the singer is immediately. She also has the kind of unique voice I love.

Ellie Goulding- On my mind is the new single or it's the only one I can find right now.

X Ambassadors- Renegade

This song reminds me a lot of another band, in fact at first I thought it was them, but no it's not.The Kongos, is the band whom I thought it was, which is another band I really do like. The song is even played on a commercial. It's kind of hard to not like honestly. I haven't really listened to much of the other songs, but I do like that one.

I apologize.. I couldn't let this go without talking about Panic at the Disco. (Alternative Rock, of course)

Panic at the Disco- Victorious

They have released quite a few songs from their upcoming album, Death of a Bachelor. The one that is being played the most is Victorious. It's a pretty great song, if you like them, and I do.

That's all I have for this playlist Wednesday ... I hope you find some songs you like in this list for today. As usual, if you like it, buy it. They work hard to give us the music we love.

Peace, Love, and all that Jazz- Dee King

Monday, October 26, 2015


Good Morning to all of you.

I am writing today because I am not sure if I will get the playlist out on Wednesday, but I am hopeful.

I always talk about random things, but today, I thought I would share a little insight into the magical world I am in right now. (Book wise, of course, otherwise I just sound crazy.)

Finishing up the last of the Charmed Destiny book has been a real roller coaster for me. Especially, since I am writing from the male perspective. I am not a guy so I am not even sure I am doing this right. Haha. I think I have the attitude down of the character, but I also wanted to show his softer side. Writing about different worlds, magical places is a lot of fun, but also very hard. You have to remember what each character can do as a god or goddess. Of course, this is all make believe, so they can do just about anything. I wanted to make the characters older also in this book, yet keep them young because I don't use time in this one.

In this story, Sebastian's story, he is faced with things he didn't even know was possible to happen to him. He thought that once the big day was there that everything would be fine, but nothing is fine. That's how life is. You go through your day to day, and then boom, something happens. You either learn to rise above, cope with, or strike back. I believe Sebastian is the strike back type of guy.
Now, obviously Selene is a main character in this, but I brought in many new characters too, and some old ones. I believe in my first book of this series it wasn't exactly how I wanted, but it was my story to write. Believe me, I heard a lot of critics and I wanted to make this one better. I wanted to follow the love story of Selene and Sebastian, but also bring in real life scenarios that could happen. Now, of course, this is fantasy, and these people are not real, but I wanted readers to develop a sense of admiration for certain characters.

When I wrote my second book, my first stand alone, Enchanted Legacy, I wanted to bring a badass chick that had to deal with things that were hard so that at one point she could overcome these tragedies. I wanted to finish the Charming series empowering the young mind that no matter what life throws at you, you can do this. I want readers to walk away from books saying if they can do it, so can I.

Again, I have heard the critics, I have heard the put downs, I have heard everything bad thing that was said about my first book ever wrote. It was hard to hear, but I wanted to push myself that much more to become a better writer. In no way, shape or form, am I the best at any of this.. Heck, I am not even sure if people still read my ramblings, but if just one person does, then I feel like I have accomplished my goal. If just one person reads one of my books, and walks away thinking that she or he can be anything they want, then that alone is all I need.

When I started writing I wrote for myself. I wrote to feel and put down emotions onto paper in so many ways. (I use a computer and type now, but old school writing is fun too.) I kept in the back of my mind that nobody would read what I wrote, and that it didn't matter I did it for myself. Then I sold copies of my books, and that felt great. What I think people don't understand is that when others bash your hard work, and when they get the chance to ridicule you, they take it. That's something you, as an author, have to get used to taking too.

I will never be the best, I will never be the multi-selling author that others are, I just want to be me. I think that's why I push for people to believe in themselves, and for you to live your dreams. I have the chance to do that on a daily basis, but it doesn't seem to always be easy. When you do anything that you love and you turn into a career, it won't be. I never thought it would.

On a daily basis I ask myself, why am I doing this? Does anyone even care? Hell, do I even care anymore. I find myself questioning my thoughts, my writing, my critics, my fans.. Then I stop. Yes, I care, and I care more than I should at times. I want to tell stories, I want to bring happiness to others. I think that's always been my main goal. Happiness. Bringing a story to life is my way of doing that.

I know that this all sounds very odd from me, when I usually promote the believe in yourself idea. But, with every good day comes a bad day, and turning that bad day around into a good day is my main goal. If you are striving for a goal don't give up! Heck, I know that's easier said than done, because I struggle too. We are human, we aren't gods. (Haha, I just had to throw that in.)

Keep pushing, keep fighting, keep being you, because in the end the only person that will love you, is you. If you have a goal, a dream, make it a reality.

Thanks for always taking the time to read my ramblings, and being so amazing to me.

You encourage me every single day! (I hope I encourage you in that same way.)

Peace, Love, and all that Jazz- Dee

P.S. If you didn't know I do have a website that lets you in on a few of my things I have shared across social media. Feel free to check it out too. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Thank you...

 Thank you to everyone who got my book for free this past week. I made it into the top 500 list on amazon for Fantasy. That was a fantastic feeling. I appreciate it very much.

Let's see what we have for this week...

Not as much as I would like, but just a little bit of news.

I am trying to work on the ending of Charmed Destiny, to get to last and final book for the Charming series. WOW! When I first set out to do this, I never thought it was going to be this hard. I am finding that it's not as easy as I would have liked. But, with anything that you do, you just have to keep trying. I feel like I lost focus after watching my second book I ever wrote not do as well, as we had all expected. Then I was reminded that nothing happens over night. This is a long journey, and if you are a writer your journey is never over.

I find myself slipping down the rabbit hole at times (Alice in wonderland reference there. Haha.)
and to push myself, I think why did I start all of this to begin with?
I started this journey because I wanted to share stories, I wanted to empower others, so they could empower the ones around them. We all have dreams, and we lose sight of those dreams at times, but I never wanted to give up.

Soon, I will start working on the playlist for this book. I am not sure what direction it's going to go in. Love story, heavy metal, rock, ballads, this is just the start of what I have listened to while writing this book. I always want the music I chose to tell a story from my story. That's why I find the playlist important. I also think I am going to actually list the playlist this time in the back of the book, so others can listen and see if they figure out the emotions of the book.

That seems to be all I have for today. Again, I thank you for all your support! YOU ROCK!
 Peace, Love, and all that Jazz- Dee

Friday, October 9, 2015


                                   For the next FIVE days I am offering Charming Selene,
                                             for  FREE on KINDLE!

That's right.. My first book ever published is free on amazon (kindle) right now! It's already in the top 500 for Fantasy novels, and I would be so grateful to get into the top 100!
Can you help me out??


I am not sure how many times I can offer the book for FREE but I wanted to do this to give back to all the people who help me out on a daily basis. You do not go unseen!


Charming Selene is a YA novel, so please don't forget that, but I have been told that any age could read it.

Peace, Love, and all that Jazz- Dee 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


 What? Two posts in one week? It can't be true.. (It is, though) I just thought I would shake it up for a minute.

I have slacked so much on sharing my playlists with you guys, that I started feeling guilty. This is one of those posts. Music is in me, it's what drives me, and today it's time to share some of the tunes I've been loving lately.

So many albums came out this summer, that I totally forgot to share with you guys. Some were some great buys, some were okay buys. Let's start with a recent album purchase.

Meg Myers- Album- Sorry.

This is her debut album. She had released two previous albums on her website, but they were not a complete album. (I bought those too, just a little FYI.) Anyhow, the song Lemon Eyes, is hitting the radio stations across the country. Now, if you listen to the radio station, 96.5 The Buzz in Kansas City, you would have heard most of her songs before she became as popular as she is. She has a unique sound, her first song that became a huge hit was the song with lyrics that say, How do you want me? That song took people by storm. The album is pretty great. I think you have to be a fan of alternative music to know who she might be, but she is worth the listen.

Alright, who else do we have?

Churches- Second Album.

Now, this band doesn't spell their name that way, but it's the only way to spell it out.

This being their second album, I have been patiently waiting. ( I say patiently, but that's kind of a lie)
I had loved their first album, which had songs like The Mother we share on it, and I was hoping this album was just as great. It totally is! (That was my cool rocker voice. Haha)
The newest song they are playing is Leave a Trace. This song is pretty amazing too. I have loved the whole album. She has such a sweet innocence to her voice, a little like Ellie Goulding. I am a huge fan on theirs!

Let's see.. Like I said so much music..

Florence and the Machine- Album number three!

Man, this chick just makes my heart happy. Her voice, her lyrics, just carry you away at times.
Now, she is pretty much a hippie chick living in the wrong era, but does that really matter when you can sing like that? Nah.
My favorite song from the latest album is What kind of Man. She pushes the envelope with this song. It has a great beat, and the words make me happy. She's kind of amazing. (I am a huge fan if you can't tell.)

I have so many bands that I could go on for like ever.. But today we will let this be it. As usual, if you like the music and check them out, please make sure you purchase the album. They work hard to make you happy.

Okay, folks, that's all I have for this blog post today, and just like every post, I live you with my words of wisdom. (Haha, yea, I laughed too.)

Peace, Love, and All that Jazz- Take care of you- Dee King

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Time Flies...

 I have been so out of it lately that everything is flying by me. I had a lot going on, and doesn't seem that I can make time stand still yet. ( I am working on magical powers. Haha. Just kidding.)
 Anyhow, time has been flying by, and not that I am ignoring my blog, it's just lately I can't find anything to keep current updates on. When you get stuck in a writing coma (that's what I will call it) it's hard to come out of it and share with everyone.

I have been working on the second book of the Charming Series for what seems to be forever. I am almost at the end of it though. This book is different for me, I found myself challenged more by trying to speak from the male perspective. I wanted to tell the story from Sebastian's point of view, and yet, let you still know how Selene was dealing with all that was changing in their lives.

When I first had the idea of just writing a book, I actually never thought I would go through with it. Now, I am on my third book (of writing books) and it often still feels like I am a rookie at this. I would say I am though. I don't have a college degree, I don't have people banging down my door for wanting to sign me, I don't have lots of money coming in from my books, that's just not my life. I didn't want that in many ways. All I ever wanted was to write a story that people walked away from going.. Yea, I could be that. I wanted to show the different sides of people, of myself, and more importantly, people could do anything if they wanted it bad enough.

When I get down on myself, I think of you. I go back to the times where I watched my blog numbers grow all across the globe, and how I couldn't believe people read what I was saying. Here, I am in all my nerdyness, just yapping away about things people may not even care about, yet somehow they did. The blog was supposed to always be about me talking about random things that had to do with my writing, but when I took a break from writing, I wondered if people would still want to read what I had to say.

You are your own worst enemy, is a phrase I think of often. I know for a fact that I am my own. No one will ever be able to tell you anything about yourself, that you don't already feel at times in your life. That's also why I talk so much about believing in yourself, and having the power to make that happen. If you can't find that within you, you won't find it anywhere else either. The sad part is that just because I am getting older, doesn't seem to always make me wiser. I want to be that person, but I find that I am often still learning.. Learning about people, learning about life, and learning that every day should be a blessing.

I am always lucky to live the life I live. It could be a thousand times worse, and I have to find some peace within myself, knowing that this is the way you should look at things. Life's not fair, life's not easy, I don't believe it was meant to be. We all have to keep pushing ourselves to do what we need to do in our lives to find the best us we can be. I am not even sure if that makes sense, but in a few words, my point would be do your best for you.

I will try and keep you all posted on the book, but as it stands I have about two chapters left to write, then edits. This story has been a long time running for me, and hopefully everyone ends up liking where the book is going to lead in the third book.

Peace, Love, and all that Jazz- Dee 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Summer is over....

  I took the entire summer off from writing and anything that had to do with books.
  Now, that it's the beginning of the autumn season it's back to work I go. I could tell you a million reasons why I took a break, but I will sum it up in one word.... Peace. I needed to find some peace within myself again. Writing is therapy to me in many ways, but it was becoming more of something I started to dread versus enjoy. That makes for really bad books.

So, I decided to take the summer off and try to gather my thoughts. Where was the story going? What the hell was I writing about? How do you end this thing? Am I just writing to hear myself? These were the questions that made me stop. I love writing, but when it comes to finding yourself dreading it, then again that makes for a poorly written book.
That's when I decided to spend the summer not having to think about books, and try finding my way back into this author world.

When you have a dream you go after it full throttle. When you watch your dreams become reality, that's even more exciting. When you watch something you love from your dream crumble around you, then you decide you may need to step back for a minute. That doesn't mean you give up, that just gives you the time to keep pursuing that dream you have.

Now, that the time has come to finish the stories I started writing a year ago... I have something for you!

Hope you enjoy a teaser into Sebastian's world! Peace, Love and all that Jazz- Dee King

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

I promise...

 I promise I will be back, and I promise that I haven't forgot about you..
Sometimes we go through times in our lives where we need to take a step back, and put things in perspective. That's what I am trying to do..

I promise I will have more exciting news, and all kinds of music updates for you.. But for the short amount of time, I have to see if I can find the strength to keep doing this. I don't want to give up. I am not a quitter, but I really need to reflect on how things have gone and are going at this point in my life.

We all struggle, and I am no different. I just don't voice it enough. I feel like I have let many of you down. That may not be the case, but there is something that has got to give.

I promise I will be back.. just bare with me for the time..

Peace, Love, and all that Jazz! -Dee King-

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Y'all know what day it is!!

Hey, Hey, Hey!! It's Playlist Wednesday! I told you guys that in June some of my favorite bands were releasing new albums.. and oh boy did they!

Let's just jump right in.. I chose the first album because they are one of my all time favorite bands.
MUSE! They really "brought it" on the album Drones. The guitar riffs alone.. one word.. WOW!
Really listen to the music, it's truly a talent. Of course, Muse has been around for twenty years, so they are doing something right!
Not everyone is going to be a fan, but then again, I don't follow the norm. (Normal is boring from what I have heard.)

I listened to the entire album, then did it again.. Searching for a song. Searching for one new favorite song. This was a task in itself. I found one that spoke to me. All of the songs are amazing, but this one just had that.. drive! The drive to make me feel something. The words are powerful, but also political. The entire album seems to be political though. Hence, the name of the album, Drones.

You can find their music in any store almost.. Itunes is offering their music as well. Spotify is covering this new album too. Youtube even has a video.. Who would have known? (What isn't on youtube these days?)

So, without further ado, I give you one of my favorite songs from the album, and a song I will be using. Hope you enjoy! -Dee-

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

A little bit of me..

Where you find happiness in breaking others down I find sadness..
Where you chose to be ungrateful I find gratitude..
Where you leave a nasty mark, I leave a smile..
Where you chose to hide behind a mask, I show my face..
Where you chose to live a life to follow others, I chose to lead a life less followed..

A little bit of me hides behind the walls I have built for myself..
You chose to try to break those down, while breaking me..
A little bit of me chooses whether to accept or deny the real you..
You chose to feel pain, and I chose to feel joy.
A little bit of me loves a little bit more each day..
You chose to turn love into pain..
A little bit of me is deciding my fate today..
You may chose to be here or not.. But ultimately..
I chose to have a little bit of me happy, then in the dark place you would like me...

-Dee King-

Monday, June 15, 2015


Dearest Monday... You have once again, came to fast!
Hope all of you have a great Monday, but let's be real.. It's Monday, so it's probably not going to be the best day, but here's to hoping! 
-Dee King-

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Can't wait for the weekend

I am always excited about the weekend, but this weekend is different. I need a break. Sometimes with stress and daily life you just need a break from all the constant in your life. I welcome the weekend today with open arms! 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Y'all know what day it is!!

  Playlist Wednesday! I started writing again on my wordpress yesterday! I will be writing on both again.. Just not every day. If I did that, I may never get the chance to write again. Hahaha

Okay, for today I chose a song about being a hero. I feel like we all can be our own hero's if we try. You don't have to move cars with one hand, and you don't have to run into burning buildings to be a hero. You can be your own hero in your own right.

In Charmed Destiny, they are looking for a hero among themselves. Hopefully, they find that hero..

Here is Hall of Fame by The Script... ENJOY!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

It's Playlist Wednesday

It's that time again folks.. Playlist Wednesday. I am always in search of good music, and yesterday I was finally able to hear the whole album I have been waiting for.

Florence and the Machine debuted her newest album this week. It is amazing. She is so different, and unique. Her voice, her songs, they just move me some how. Of course, I talked about this before, but it is finally here. The new album is How Big How Blue How Beautiful. It's weird, it's different, and it's definitely her. She has a way with words. As I wrote yesterday to the new album, I felt like she was telling a story with this album. A love story in sort of way. I think I will always be a huge fan of hers. Some years back, I bought the Twilight soundtrack. Eclipse to be precise. (Don't judge me.. LOL ) all for one song. The song by Florence and the Machine. I loved her since I heard that song. Today, I will share that song. I will always encourage you to pay for the music that you hear, give back to the ones who provide you with the tunes you love.

I am using a song from the newest album, I just haven't narrowed it down yet... Heck, I might use Heavy in your Arms again for Charmed Destiny. You never know.

Alright, so that's my music for today. Check her out if you don't know her, and if you do.. Then you should definitely hear the new album. Thank you as always.. Peace, Love and All that Jazz -Dee-

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

It's all about the Teasers...

I wanted to share some of the teasers with you guys.. Maybe I had forgotten about some of them. 
Here goes nothing! 

There are so many, but I chose some of the ones that I felt really captured Bridget in her darkest form. I hope you guys are enjoying the book. 
Till tomorrow, Peace, Love and all that Jazz. -Dee King-

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Something funny...

Sometimes we just need a weekend. A couple of days to re-cooperate. Anyone else feeling this?

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

It's A-LIVE!!!

               This is the first actual week that Enchanted Legacy is live. It's been an exciting ride so far.
               We did the giveaway, and that was lots of fun... and I have more giveaways coming up.

I told you all about how and why I wrote Enchanted Legacy, but I never said how much the book meant to me. When I sat down and started typing out the story that I was playing in my head, it was way more darker than I had thought it was going to be. It was a story that from my perspective was a story that many could relate too. The funny friend, the different type of friend, the family that always wanted you to do things their way, the crush of your life turning into love. I haven't really discussed how the character Van was born. I haven't said how is my gay character. I knew that by writing a gay character I was taking a chance. In a world that doesn't accept everyone to love freely quite yet, this was a risk I knew I had to take. I never came out and fully said he was gay, I just wrote him in a way that you would know. I wanted people to love him, immediately. He was a supporting character, and I just wanted him to be someone who people could love. I hope that people will.

In Ireland this week, they are the first country to accept gay marriage. That is a huge step in the right direction! I will never understand peoples hate for something that is truly about love. Everyone searches for the one that they love, and so what if it happens to be someone of the same sex. Are they hurting you? Did they cause you physical pain? No. They just chose to love differently than you do.
We could discuss how people see this as wrong and right forever. I truly don't think it's my place to tell someone who they can love. I sometimes can't fathom that. I can't imagine someone telling me I couldn't love the man I love. Why would you even care?

I am not gay, but that doesn't mean that I don't know about love. Isn't that what we are looking for in this life anyways. Love, and to be loved?

I am proud of Ireland. I am proud to be Celtic. What a way to show that people are human, not just some slave to the man.. Ya know? Good for them!

You may disagree with how I feel, and that's okay too.. Let's agree to disagree.

Love doesn't see color, Love doesn't see size, Love doesn't see gender, LOVE sees you. Love sees your purest of hearts, and isn't that what we all should see. Just see the good in the ones around us? Of course, there is evil out there. Without a doubt, but that doesn't mean you have to be. Stand up for equality, for love of one another.

Now, that being said, it doesn't mean that everyone is going to get along.. That's entirely different. I just mean as a whole, look for the good, not always the bad.. Look at yourself before you begin to judge others.

I hope that when you read Enchanted Legacy that you like Van too. That he captures you in a way that you feel is a positive light. I also know by writing this, some of you are now re-thinking of reading the book, That's okay too.. The story is a romance between a young girl, and a young man who have to fight to stay together, and alive. If that has you curious, then you should check it out. Not everything is black and white, there are gray areas too!

Peace- Love- And all that Jazz- Dee King

Thursday, May 21, 2015


This has been a rough week. We went from the book going live, to the book being pulled. It was crazy. BUT after we got everything worked out, it's now available again. Whew. What a relief ... It was very hard to try to tell people that you are sorry, they just bought a book they couldn't even open. Like I said, it was finally all worked out, and we are good to go. When I wrote Charming Selene, I really just thought I wanted to tell my story in a very different way. Then as I started to think of another idea, Enchanted Legacy came to me in a rough draft type form. I knew I wanted to tell a different type of story, and I wondered if people would read it. As I wrote the story and the characters became so real to me. Real teenagers that had to live in a cursed world, and how would they deal with all of it.. on top of being in love. When my beta readers read the story, I was asked if I had really wrote the book. At first I was taken back, but then I realized that person thought it was good. That's when I got excited. I felt like I was finding my way through this book. I was in a dark place, and I wrote it out.. Tonight we are doing a giveaway on Facebook. It seems like just yesterday to me I was wondering if I would ever have anyone read the book, and now I am doing a giveaway for it. Life is funny that way.

I talk a lot about fulfilling your dreams, and how to reach for the stars.. I feel like I have done that. I want to give up like a hundred times a week, I won't lie. I don't even know if I connect with people enough sometimes, but then I think.. Yea, I like what I do, and I like the people whom I have met via internet. I have been lucky. I never have anyone tell me they hate my books or tell me they don't like me. I always wait for that shoe to drop so to speak. I appreciate all of the kind words, the amount of love I feel from people. It gives me hope that their are others out there just like me. People who want to just lives their lives, be happy, and share the love they have with others.
Now, of course, we all have our days, but for the most part.. I am genuine, and the people are too.

I missed the playlist yesterday, and I know.. I know that was no good. Due to a family member going into the hospital and my book issues, I just didn't have it in me. So, for today, I will share one last song for Enchanted Legacy. (Although, I typically find songs for the book all the time..) I will share this one. I used music quite a bit in the book. There is a part that one of the main characters hums a song.. I could never really think of what that song was, till I finished the book. I will share that with you all today. I hope you will join us on facebook tonight. The event is The Sassy Witches Present Enchanted Legacy. It should be fun, and I have a lot to give away.

NOW, for the song....

Ellie Goulding - Bittersweet
I know the song is from Twilight, but the song worked magically well. 
She has such a sweet, innocence, about her voice. 

I hope you enjoy the book, and enjoy today's song. Peace, Love, and all that jazz -Dee King-

Monday, May 18, 2015

It's Live...

 Today on Kindle.. It's LIVE! Enchanted Legacy it's LIVE... Go grab your copy now.. Then join us on our giveaway on Facebook on Thursday. Let's have some FUN!

Exciting News...

 In just a couple of short days, Enchanted Legacy will be LIVE! The book will finally be published. I am trying to make sure I upload it to as many outlets as I can so that everyone has a chance to read it.. I can't wait to share this story with all of you! So stay tuned, and I promise I will let you know when it's live. In the meantime, here is the new updated cover. -Dee King-

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

It's Playlist Day!

 Hey, Hey, Hey! How you guys doing? We are almost to that beloved day. Friday. Yes, yes. The weekend! I know I am pretty excited about this. I have a little something up my sleeve, and truly hoping it all works out. As soon as I know if everything is all good, I will tell you! BUT we all know we came here today to see what music I was going to share today. Unfortunately, I haven't found any new Indie bands to share with you all. I still love the ones who have shared with me, and who I have promoted. so, don't forget about those guys. They have some kick a** tunes!

For today, I thought since I do write romance novels, maybe I should share some of the fun parts of the books. Not so sad, or depressing, but some of the times where you find love in the oddest of places. We all have good days with the ones we love. Of course, we have the bad, but we all have the good, and those replace the bad moments most of the time.

For today, I am going to share some songs from Enchanted Legacy, and from the new playlist for Charmed Destiny. They are more upbeat, and kind of make you happy. Let's jump in, shall we..

Sugar, by Maroon 5.. That song is just a good song about kissing. I mean, let's be real.. Everyone wants to be kissed every once and a while. Maybe not by a stranger, but for sure someone we love.

Geronimo by Sheppard is a great upbeat song. I find it to bring up the spirits if you are down.

Heros by Alesso featuring Tove Lo.. It just reminds me of a beautiful love song.. About people becoming hero's. You can be a hero. Just be yourself, and that alone will make you a hero in my eyes. This song fits in perfect for Charmed Destiny.

That's all I have for this installment of Playlist Wednesday. I shall see ya on the flip side my friends.

P.S. Look forward to the upcoming news!!   -Dee King-

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Sharing is caring

I find that at times we are the ones who have to remember this. 
Remember that we are strong.
Remember that you can achieve any goal you have.
You will always have a fan.
If in this life if you find yourself doubting what you have accomplished, don't.
YOU are wonderful just the way you are!
Keep positive, and know that you can do this!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

10 beautiful soundtracks from 10 beautiful movies

Playlist Wednesday with a twist..

           Today, I will share some videos with you all. I also wanted to talk about what's going on in with where I am at today, and what is happening in our world. I felt the need to touch on two subjects. My heart is breaking for all the ones who have lost their lives in the earthquake in Nepal. How devastating of a tragedy. They have said the death toll is at 5,000. That's to many lives lost. There has to be a way that we can warn people better for these types of catastrophic disasters. My heart just breaks knowing that people have lost loved ones. With that said, there has been many groups offering to take your money to help over there. Please be sure they are legit, before sending anything anywhere. It's sad, but people will use these disasters a way to pocket your hard earned money.

Then, here, in America, in Baltimore, Maryland, to be exact we have riots breaking out by young people. I understand that you are angry, and you want something to change, but that isn't going to help the cause. We have to get back to basics with this. Why would you burn down someone's business that they worked so hard to build up, all because you feel like you are taking a stand. That's not taking a stand, that's taking on stupidity. Often our actions become what we are known as, but don't let this be how you are remembered. You want to take a stand, then MARCH. When Martin Luther King Junior, marched all that way to the white house because he had a dream, they weren't rioting the streets. They weren't out there making a full of the ones who had fought hard before them, they took a stand that lead to a country non-divided. What do you get when you do these kind of things? You think this helps your cause? I don't see how. I don't understand all this violence in the world. Killing one another, for what cause? For what right do you have to take away someone else's business or life? Again, I can understand that people want justice for what has been done. For what was wrong, but this isn't the right way. Why can't we all just learn to get along? To show one another in support, not hurt others because we are angry?

Sadly, that story and those words seem to never truly be heard. We as a people must do better for our children, and the next generations. If we don't stand for something, then we shall fall for everything. I truly hope that never happens. Stand up, be proud, but take JUSTICE into your own hands. It will only be met by anger which will lead down a dark path.

I found this song, to be quite beautiful. As the music grows dark, there is a light side to the song. May we all find our light, and let it shine. Be the change you want to see in the world. Don't let anger and hate guide your way.

On that note, I wanted to share a song today about finding some peace, and maybe some hope for all of us. Finding a place for love in dark spaces. Letting the phoenix rise from the ashes so to speak.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Playlist Wednesday

     Today is usually the day I discuss a playlist of music with you all. Well, for the past couple of days, I had decided to just upload videos for you to see where I was at with the book. Now, I am at a sad part, so that means the music changes again.

I spoke about Beecher's Fault last week, and am still loving their music. I haven't found anything super new yet, because as I said last week, I am waiting for June. It must just be a great month for music. As the month of April is flying by me, I worry. I worry that I won't have everything done in time. I worry that as summer comes I won't be ready for the next installment of the Charming Series. These are just normal fears for me.

I know that I will get it all done, but deadlines can be a real *itch sometimes. You know you have to get this and this done, but then you worry so much that it takes the fun away from what you love. I had promised myself that I would stop worrying and just do! Just be. Just go for it. Stop looking for the what could happens, and look for the what is going to happen.

Now, with that being said, I did have a song for today. I think I discuss so much of the same bands and the same type of music, that this week, when I did the heavier music, I wanted people to see that we all have different emotions for different circumstances.

The song I had chose was a upbeat song, but I decided against it today. I wanted to share a song from the heart. I will search this upcoming week as I write and finish Charmed Destiny to see how much or if at all if the music differs.

With the song for today, this is from one of my favorite movie series. I loved the words of this song. I know it was meant for Paul Walker, and that the Fast and Furious film, but it's just a great song.

Rest in Peace, Paul. You will be forever adored!

See you again, by Wiz Khalifa is just a beautiful song. I hope you enjoy, and find your happy today.

    -See you again my friends- Dee 

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Sharing my nerd side!

 I am a big fan of comic books! I know.. Some of you are thinking, really? Yes, really. I love the movies, I love quite a few comic books. I wanted to share a clip that I found funny. If you are into comics or I like the movies, everyone freaks out when they find out who plays who when the movies come out. This is a discussion that happens in my household every time a new comic movie comes out. I am actually excited about the new Batman movie. I think it's going to be awesome. Now, if you really know comic books, then you already know who are the leads in this upcoming film. If you do not know I am about to share with you.
P.S. I'm also a huge fan of Jimmy Fallon, so I decided to go with this clip! I hope you all enjoy and get a good laugh today!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Wednesday Playlist

      Where to even begin? Wednesday is my playlist day. I haven't wrote very much this week. I have been trying to find music that sums up the new book I am writing. Charmed Destiny. The second in the Charming Series. There is a lot of emotions in this book. Trying to find all of the songs to describe what is happening seems to be a challenge. Whether it's sad songs, angry songs, or happy songs, music is what drives me in my writing. Looking for Indie bands is probably my favorite part of all this.

A band contacted me this week, and of course I listened. They were good! Sometimes, I won't lie, the bands that find me, I think, what the hell was that? But, then I try to listen to the song or other songs by them, and find that I like it. Not every band. I mean there is music out there that I don't like, I won't like, nor can understand. I do listen to every band that sends me their links, though.

With that being said, a band found me this week, that I liked. Beecher's Fault. The song was pretty freaking awesome. Now, I could say that and not mean it, but I don't work like that. If I like it, I tell people. If I don't like it, I probably don't mention it. These guys were good. Like make a record right now and buy it, that good. Big fan. I hope that they take the world by storm and people adore them. They deserve it.

Who else do we have that goes with the playlist of the book, you ask? Well, I think I am waiting patiently for some albums that come out in June. I have my favorites, we all do, and two of my favorite bands have albums coming out soon. So, be prepared for me to share the holy crap out of them!

The Foo Fighters new album is pretty damn good. I feel like everything they do is pretty freaking amazing though. I was and am a huge fan of Nirvana, and even though they aren't Nirvana, I can't seem to help but love them.

Now, bringing up old school bands like Nirvana, reminds me of how I started listening to the music I listen to. Alice in Chains, was one of my favorites. Heck, still are. Old school, Alice in Chains, not new. Yea, yea, I know, but it's just not the same as it was. Who remembers Creed? Man, I remember listening to that on repeat, now I wonder what the hell was I thinking? Do you have any old school bands you still like? I should definitely pick an old school alternative song for the playlist. I will find one, very soon!

Have you heard the new Modest Mouse album? I used a song from their first album, and I am going to use a song from their second album. Lampshades On. I love this song. That song made the playlist for this book. They have lyrics that sometimes make sense, and others that are just weird. I love it.

Alright, so for the big news.. Last week I was asked to write an autobiography for someone. This isn't just someone, she is pretty freaking awesome. No, it's not like we know each other that well, or even met in real life before. I have refrained from telling the world who it is yet, because legal issues. BUT when I can, I will share with all of you. This is exciting, and nerve wrecking all in one. I usually write stories that I tell, I have never wrote someone else's true story. Wish me luck. I will be searching for music for this book too. It's just now in the very raw stages of becoming a book. We shall see what the future holds.

Okay, let's talk about the book I have coming out in the very near future. Enchanted Legacy. This book has turned my life around. I wanted to tell a tragic love story, with a happily ever after ending. In life we face many challenges, and this book is one challenge after the other. Here soon, you all will get the chance to read it. I am nervous, I won't lie. The fear of people hating your work can almost consume you. I have to have some faith in myself that people will read the book, and find that through dark tragedy comes light.

I wanted to thank you. I know I say this all the time, but each of you help me.. You help me look forward to sharing about my life. About the music I love. There is hundreds of blogs out there, and the fact you chose to read mine, well, I am honored.

Don't be afraid to be you. Who wants to be normal all the time anyways? Normal is boring. Be you. Be Happy, and most of all, be good to yourself and others. Karma is a real bitch, and you get what you put out. I am a firm believer in that. That's all I have for this Wednesday blog post. I shall catch you on flip side!  -Dee-

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Tornado Season

 I usually post about music on Wednesdays, but not today. Today I will be sharing a movie clip from Twister. The film came out in the late 90s and was my favorite from the first time I saw it. Today, across the Midwest we are expecting strong storms. Some producing tornado's, which has the storm chasers excited. Now, I want to say that just because they chase does not mean they want anyone to be in harms way. The first priority is to inform others. Then to track the storm and let others know where it is headed. Most times the storm chasers are first on the scenes of damaged areas, and are the first to help. Today, is the first potential outbreak for severe storms across a wide region. In light of the storms, the movie Twister always helped me be prepared. I am sharing with you my love for mother nature at her finest or at angriest, how you look at it.

If you live in any of the areas that are under this watch for the next couple of days, please take caution. Most people believe it will not happen in there town, or it will not happen to them. That just isn't true. Be alert, stay warned, and by all means if you chase PLEASE follow the right paths to chasing. Never get up close, never drive into one, and never think that it won't happen in your area.

Now, onto the video clip. I hope you get a giggle out of this, and I also hope that you see Mother Nature for all her glory. 

Thursday, April 2, 2015


          Yesterday was April Fools Day. I decided that my prank would be no blog post. Not really.                 That's a lie. I actually, was very busy yesterday, and didn't get the chance. My bad.

Anyways, I said we would talk music and I would discuss a little of what's happening in my world. A small world, but we can discuss it none the less.

First off, we should talk about the cover reveal! WOW! This cover just grows on you as you look at it. Writing from Sebastian's point of view for the next book, Charmed Destiny, in the Charming Series, it needed to be a guy on the cover. I also didn't want to pick a male model that everyone had used, or wasn't what they pictured for their idea of Sebastian. It took me a while to think of the concept, but then I knew. A pawn. People use people all the time for their own personal gain, and for me this was going  to have to work together. Then, the cover was born. Hopefully, this is a cover of a book that makes people wonder.

It's been a unique experience writing from a male's perspective. Being how I am girl, and fairly girly to say the least, it has been fun. I like telling the story of Sebastian, to let people see the side of Selene he sees. Although, I have a few thousand more words to write, and probably some major edits, it still is the story I want to tell. Everything I write comes from somewhere that is a part of me. It's odd to make up stories to worlds you want to travel. Yet, they only exist in your mind. It's still so much fun. Hopefully, you all enjoyed the cover, and let's see how you like the next installment of the Charming Series.

I am also in edits for Enchanted Legacy. My dark fantasy novel that is due out in Spring. This book makes me nervous, yet, excites me. It was different to write such a story that would capture peoples hearts. Everyone goes through trials in their lives. I just put them into a very different idea. I enjoyed writing this one. I have been asked if there will be more. The answer is no. It's my first stand alone book, and I wanted to have just the one. Selfish it may seem, but I felt Bridget (main character) needed to stay alone, not a series, not a trilogy, just her story. It could possibly be a little of my story too. Again, I write from a place that comes within. I guess I have a dark side.

That's all about the books at this moment. We are working hard on the giveaway that will happen on my facebook page. There is SO much being given away. I never thought I would have done all this, but I am. I hope that you will join us on that day. I shall share when that is, at a later date.


So many bands, so little time. Then when it comes to me telling you about it, I often forget who I was going to share with you all... Because, again, so many bands, so little time. BUT today, I found some music that fits my feelings, my thoughts lately, and bands or singers that I love. We all know by now, that I have favorites. I share them almost every time. I am a big fan of those bands. I also have shared music that is Indie, that are looking for their big break. Those bands always give me hope. To know that when you start out you just want to share music with the world. Not because your label tells you to do this or do that, not because you want to make millions, but simply, to share with the world.

Today, I wanted to talk about a singer who I fell in love with.
Banks. I have spoke about her before, but I don't think many of you know her. She has a beautiful voice. Some of her songs are very sexual, but for the most part her music makes you feel alive. A song that has words that you can understand, words that you have thought.
Waiting Game, by Banks, is a great song. It's not played often on the radio, but I do love it!

If you don't know this band, then you should. They released their second album recently, and has already won awards in the United Kingdom. The radio station I listen to help break this band. They stumbled upon something great. Check them out TODAY!

Phantogram. This band is just cool. A male and a female band like The Broods. Whom I adore. They have a unique sound, a great sound. I listen to them quite a bit too.

Now, you may be wondering why I never mention country music, or anything like that. Well, like the saying goes.. to each their own. Alternative music is just what I listen to. I will never tell you that I listen to everything, because that's a lie. I do listen to a lot of spotify, and radio... but usually, I listen to the same type of music. It's just the music I enjoy.

That's about all I got for today. I hope each of you have a great, and blessed weekend.
Peace, Love, and all that Jazz. -Dee King-