Tuesday, November 24, 2015


This took some time, and some crazy brain storming... but Charmed Destiny has a new cover. The one I had originally done wasn't working. It wasn't the right size, and I felt like it wasn't what I had wanted. It wasn't what I had wanted for this book. So, after a very long time.. The concept to what you are about to see became a reality. It was a lot of going back and forth on what I had wanted.. what I felt was the concept of the story but not give away too much.

Before, I reveal the new cover (covers, Charming Selene has a new one too!) I wanted to share some more of the rest of the playlist with you.

Let's get this party started, shall we?

Panic! at the Disco- Victorious

Banks- Warm Water

Ellie Goulding- On my Mind

Adele- Hello

Death Cab for Cutie- The ghosts of Beverly Drive

And the final songs will be revealed next week! I will also share quite a few videos for the playlists too. If you want to see the entire list and hear the music, feel free to check out my website.

Now, for what I have been waiting to share with you all.. Drum Roll Please.......

Charmed Destiny! Hope you all like it! Peace, Love, and all that Jazz- Dee

Thanksgiving Holiday

       Today, before we get into the fun for the newest cover reveal, I thought we could discuss a little bit of the holidays. (There will be two blog posts today, so stay tuned.. We do have the cover reveal!)

Also, there won't be a playlist Wednesday this week due to the holiday, but we shall share some tunes today from the book playlist on the other blog post. I don't think I have shared all of them yet, so we have a few more to go.. (I know, that list is crazy long, huh?)

Many, many years ago we started a celebration called Thanksgiving in the United States. This holiday originally was to become friends with the Native Americans. They shared each others food with a huge feast.. Now, some people in America, don't celebrate this holiday because of what happened with the Native Americans. I think we all know the cowboy and Indian stories. I can understand why those people don't celebrate it. Now, a days, it's more about spending the holiday with your family, a football game, and a ton of food... all to prepare for the biggest shopping day in America the next day. I am not sure how I feel about the fact that this holiday has became so commercial based for the big business industry that we have lost sight of what and how this all began. I also struggle with the fact that my grandfather (mother's side) was what people called a half breed. He was half Cherokee Indian. He grew up on the reservation, and left when he was 15 years old because of the way they were treated back then. You would think that we as a country could have done more for the people we stole the land from, but I guess that was never the plan after that first Thanksgiving.

 I try not to think about all of that, and focus on what I find important for this holiday season.

When I was a teenager I spent some holidays with friends, due to my father spending the week deer hunting. It was never that big of a deal... I never realized how that would effect me as a parent. I couldn't imagine not being with my daughters on the holidays. Any holiday actually... I know as they get older that I may not always have this chance, but I sure as heck will try to spend the holidays with my daughters.
What Thanksgiving means to me now, as an adult, is family, friends, and being with ones you love. I am now the mom that gets to cook some of the holiday favorites, even that feels weird at times, because as we grow up we are used to our grandparents and mothers and fathers cooking the big meal. I am very grateful that I am blessed to have my little family and the traditions we have made for our children. I won't lie, we eat a ton of food, whatever is left over we either save to eat later and or give away to others who didn't have the meal. It's about giving .. giving back to others.. being thankful for what I have. Everyone in this world is going through so much, and at times, it's nice to stop and be thankful for what we do have. On this holiday I hope that you spend it with others that you love, and remember that life is short... Live it to the fullest.

Thank you for reading my blog, and if you need somewhere to go for the holiday.. My door is always open!

Peace, Love, and all that Jazz- Dee

Friday, November 20, 2015


Just wanted to share a Friday Funny with you all! Hope you enjoy your weekend.. Next week we will discuss the Thanksgiving holiday and all that fun that comes with them. Till then..
Peace, Love, and All that Jazz- Dee

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Oops I did it again..

I totally missed playlist Wednesday. I got caught up with other things I was doing and it totally slipped my mind. So sorry. Today I am going to give more of the book's playlist and a video! Yepee! I knew you guys would be excited. (Haha, okay may be not, but let's pretend.) On my website the entire list will be on there, but if you want to wait and see how many songs and how the story plays out through music feel free to just keep reading the blogs.

Like I said before this one took a long time to really put together and where would the songs make sense at the right times. I still did the one song that would sum up the book as a whole. That's the last song I will share. Before we get into the list, let's talk about what's going on this week in this crazy world.

From what the news is telling us is, France has done some major counter attacks on the ISIS group. (Hell yes! GO FRANCE!) These so called religious groups need to understand that when you take an innocent life then you probably get what you deserve. That may sound harsh, but it's the way it works. You can't murder others and not think you won't ever have to pay the ultimate price for taking someone's life. So again I am all for France taking matters into their own hands. I just didn't think it was going to be this fast.

What else do we have... Oh, I said I had a surprise about the Charming Series. I have two new covers that will be revealed for the first book, and the book we are about to publish. I always get so nervous when it comes to the cover reveals. (I cross my fingers and hope you like it.) These covers are way different and when they are revealed I will explain why they have the covers they do now. It's exciting and terrifying all in one. That's what I finished yesterday, hence why the blog post didn't come out.

Let's get to the music shall we? I think I stopped at Atlas Genius, for the first part of the soundtrack to the novel. Here we go.....

Fall Out Boy- Immortals

X-Ambassadors- Renegade

The Black Keys- Everlasting Light

Justin Timberlake- Sexy Back

Death Cab for Cutie- Black Sun

Slipknot- The Devil Inside

Ellie Goulding- Burn

Fall Out Boy- Centuries

Five Finger Death Punch- Wrong Side of Heaven

This is it for today, the last will be revealed next Wednesday for our final playlist list. I also wanted to say that the playlist will be listed in the book, just not the songs, that's an exclusive to the blogs and the website only.

Now, for the video as promised! This is the lyrics one, so you can see where the book is going.

Peace, Love, and all that Jazz- Dee

P.S. Next week we shall discuss the upcoming holiday. Stay tuned....

Monday, November 16, 2015

The Playlist!

Alright, Alright, Alright.. The playlist for the new book, Enchanted Legacy is done!
WHEW! It's a long one, but the music tells the story.. With this book I knew that it was going to be a difficult one for me to put all the music into a summed up version. In the book, I will have the bands I used for the playlist but I will not be putting the songs. Only on my blogs and social media will the actually songs be listed. I am going to break this up into parts for this blog. I would like to also post a couple of videos with the playlist that I want to share, but the playlist starts today..

Okay, so here we go with the beginning of the playlist!

Prologue - (Yes, there is a small one) It has a song too. Haha.

Godsmack- I Stand Alone

Saint Motel- Cold, cold Man

The Weekend- Can't feel my face

Florence and the Machine- What kind of Man

Twenty One Pilots- Stressed Out

This is the first part of the playlist. The songs, the lyrics, should help you see where the book is at and where it's going... It should tell a story in itself. Check out some of the music or videos, and as always.. Give them the love they deserve!

There is so much to come! Hope you enjoy the story through music..

Peace, Love, and all that Jazz- Dee

I stand with France

Today I will have two blog posts, but I wanted to touch on the aftermath of France.

I couldn't believe what I was reading, hearing and seeing in France on Friday night. It was heart breaking. Nobody deserves to die in the manner that they did, and no one deserves to die at the hand of a terrorist. Let's just call them what they are, cowards. That's not something to die for that's just pure evil. Hate that is turning people away from the religion they believe will set them free. There's no way that this can be what they truly believe to be true. Killing someone, killing others is just a coward move. There's no religion that says this is okay. We may all have different beliefs, but that much hate doesn't come from somewhere out of love for what you believe.. That comes from a dark hole that you call a heart.

My heart still mourns with the country of France. I remember exactly where I was when the towers fell here in America, and that was the same feeling I had for France. It's shocking, then it makes you angry.

I stand today with France. I understand your loss, and the need for revenge... I just don't know if there will ever be true answers for what they have done. No one could ever thought on a random Friday night that something so catastrophic could happen to a country at once. I know that when 9/11 happened it was something that I never could have believed would happen. You feel unsafe, you become aware of everything and everyone around you. You become scared because you don't know what's going to happen next... BUT that let's them win. Stand TALL, show them you will not be defeated!

You are in my thoughts. Stand strong!

-France you are loved!-


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

November 11th...

Today, in America, we give honor to our veterans who have fought for our country. I didn't want to go without saying something in honor of them today. I truly believe that these men and women are the true hero's. When you sign on the dotted line you sign just more than a contract to say yes I will do this job, you sign it knowing that you may have to put your life on the line for others. That's something I find quite beautiful in a world so full of hate at times. People never seem to understand what they go through, what their families go through, it's a lot more than then just bringing home a paycheck. So, today I say thank you for your serving your country. If you have served for my country, your country, I thank you too. You are not forgotten!

On a very different note, today is also PLAYLIST Wednesday.. I am in edits like I said last time, and as I edit, I see where I need to add music for certain parts. I promised to bring you music, and let the music tell the story, and I am trying my best to keep my promise. For today.. We have something a little different, but not really. I needed a love song. (I know.. I know.. yuck, love.. HAHA!) Either way, this book is somewhat a love story still, so I needed a song for the beginning of the book too. I am still searching for a song to sum up the Charmed Destiny, but that won't be released till the very end of all the music I have chosen. (That's my top secret one..) Okay, for today I am going to share another video. Hope you listen to the words, and the music moves you.

I have another secret I am going to share with you at one point this week or the next, stay tuned!

Thanks for reading my random thoughts today. Hug a veteran if you get the chance.
Peace, Love and All that Jazz- Dee King

Without further ado, I give you Ellie Goulding....

Thursday, November 5, 2015

So much, so little...

Oops.. I missed playlist Wednesday, but I had a good reason. I finally finished writing the second book of the Charming Series.

That's right, it's finally finished. Now, onto edits, book covers, the list goes on, but the book is finished. I am hoping to publish it very soon!

I was looking for more songs for the book.. I found one that I fell in love with.

If only for now- by Pop Evil.

This song just made sense to me. It also reminded me of a particular part in the book. I want to share the song with you guys today.

"If only for now.. So if you lay here with me now, I promise the stars won't make a sound.. If you stay with me just for a while."

I think those are the chorus lyrics, please don't quote me, because I could be wrong.

There isn't an official video but I did find a video that I could at least share the song with you. If you remember this story is from Sebastian's point of view. Like I have said I am not even sure this book is wrote well from a guy's point of view.. Well, because I am not a guy. But, I really wanted to tell the story from his point of view so you could see Selene through his eyes. I got quite a bit of "flack" about Selene being particular ways. I wanted to change peoples perspective of her. The Charming Series is based loosely on my life and many other books I have loved. I added twists and turns in this book. I hope that everyone enjoys this one.

Back to the matter at hand.. The song. Here is the video. Hope you enjoy!

-Peace, Love, and all that Jazz- Dee King