Wednesday, June 3, 2015

It's Playlist Wednesday

It's that time again folks.. Playlist Wednesday. I am always in search of good music, and yesterday I was finally able to hear the whole album I have been waiting for.

Florence and the Machine debuted her newest album this week. It is amazing. She is so different, and unique. Her voice, her songs, they just move me some how. Of course, I talked about this before, but it is finally here. The new album is How Big How Blue How Beautiful. It's weird, it's different, and it's definitely her. She has a way with words. As I wrote yesterday to the new album, I felt like she was telling a story with this album. A love story in sort of way. I think I will always be a huge fan of hers. Some years back, I bought the Twilight soundtrack. Eclipse to be precise. (Don't judge me.. LOL ) all for one song. The song by Florence and the Machine. I loved her since I heard that song. Today, I will share that song. I will always encourage you to pay for the music that you hear, give back to the ones who provide you with the tunes you love.

I am using a song from the newest album, I just haven't narrowed it down yet... Heck, I might use Heavy in your Arms again for Charmed Destiny. You never know.

Alright, so that's my music for today. Check her out if you don't know her, and if you do.. Then you should definitely hear the new album. Thank you as always.. Peace, Love and All that Jazz -Dee-

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