Monday, October 26, 2015


Good Morning to all of you.

I am writing today because I am not sure if I will get the playlist out on Wednesday, but I am hopeful.

I always talk about random things, but today, I thought I would share a little insight into the magical world I am in right now. (Book wise, of course, otherwise I just sound crazy.)

Finishing up the last of the Charmed Destiny book has been a real roller coaster for me. Especially, since I am writing from the male perspective. I am not a guy so I am not even sure I am doing this right. Haha. I think I have the attitude down of the character, but I also wanted to show his softer side. Writing about different worlds, magical places is a lot of fun, but also very hard. You have to remember what each character can do as a god or goddess. Of course, this is all make believe, so they can do just about anything. I wanted to make the characters older also in this book, yet keep them young because I don't use time in this one.

In this story, Sebastian's story, he is faced with things he didn't even know was possible to happen to him. He thought that once the big day was there that everything would be fine, but nothing is fine. That's how life is. You go through your day to day, and then boom, something happens. You either learn to rise above, cope with, or strike back. I believe Sebastian is the strike back type of guy.
Now, obviously Selene is a main character in this, but I brought in many new characters too, and some old ones. I believe in my first book of this series it wasn't exactly how I wanted, but it was my story to write. Believe me, I heard a lot of critics and I wanted to make this one better. I wanted to follow the love story of Selene and Sebastian, but also bring in real life scenarios that could happen. Now, of course, this is fantasy, and these people are not real, but I wanted readers to develop a sense of admiration for certain characters.

When I wrote my second book, my first stand alone, Enchanted Legacy, I wanted to bring a badass chick that had to deal with things that were hard so that at one point she could overcome these tragedies. I wanted to finish the Charming series empowering the young mind that no matter what life throws at you, you can do this. I want readers to walk away from books saying if they can do it, so can I.

Again, I have heard the critics, I have heard the put downs, I have heard everything bad thing that was said about my first book ever wrote. It was hard to hear, but I wanted to push myself that much more to become a better writer. In no way, shape or form, am I the best at any of this.. Heck, I am not even sure if people still read my ramblings, but if just one person does, then I feel like I have accomplished my goal. If just one person reads one of my books, and walks away thinking that she or he can be anything they want, then that alone is all I need.

When I started writing I wrote for myself. I wrote to feel and put down emotions onto paper in so many ways. (I use a computer and type now, but old school writing is fun too.) I kept in the back of my mind that nobody would read what I wrote, and that it didn't matter I did it for myself. Then I sold copies of my books, and that felt great. What I think people don't understand is that when others bash your hard work, and when they get the chance to ridicule you, they take it. That's something you, as an author, have to get used to taking too.

I will never be the best, I will never be the multi-selling author that others are, I just want to be me. I think that's why I push for people to believe in themselves, and for you to live your dreams. I have the chance to do that on a daily basis, but it doesn't seem to always be easy. When you do anything that you love and you turn into a career, it won't be. I never thought it would.

On a daily basis I ask myself, why am I doing this? Does anyone even care? Hell, do I even care anymore. I find myself questioning my thoughts, my writing, my critics, my fans.. Then I stop. Yes, I care, and I care more than I should at times. I want to tell stories, I want to bring happiness to others. I think that's always been my main goal. Happiness. Bringing a story to life is my way of doing that.

I know that this all sounds very odd from me, when I usually promote the believe in yourself idea. But, with every good day comes a bad day, and turning that bad day around into a good day is my main goal. If you are striving for a goal don't give up! Heck, I know that's easier said than done, because I struggle too. We are human, we aren't gods. (Haha, I just had to throw that in.)

Keep pushing, keep fighting, keep being you, because in the end the only person that will love you, is you. If you have a goal, a dream, make it a reality.

Thanks for always taking the time to read my ramblings, and being so amazing to me.

You encourage me every single day! (I hope I encourage you in that same way.)

Peace, Love, and all that Jazz- Dee

P.S. If you didn't know I do have a website that lets you in on a few of my things I have shared across social media. Feel free to check it out too. 

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