Friday, December 9, 2016

It's DONE!

Finally for the first time I feel that the Charming Series is on the right track. The first book, Charming Selene has been revised and basically re-written. Some where along the way as I read the book and began editing this horrible thing I found myself reliving the past. This series in a form is my real life that I just added in other worlds and made a not so believable story into one that could be. I never wanted to write my real past because that seemed too sad at times. These books were my way of fighting back when I couldn't and my way of fighting for the truth to be told. My truth. Characters were changed and added to not be so much like my life, but enough that the truth was in there. Everyone writes from some where within themselves. This series is that for me.

When you start writing a book, you never know how that is going to go... You have an idea of how you want it to start or possibly end, but it's that middle section that you start wondering if what you're doing is even making sense. As I read what I had wrote the first time, it was pretty awful. This isn't me being hard on myself, it was bad. Words that didn't make sense were in there, and it was wrote like a play not a novel. By the time I wrote the second book in the series, I knew that I didn't want it to be like that again, so when re-writing Charming Selene, I took the time to make it more like the second book. This time I was going to write a book that I would want to read.... Hopefully I accomplished that.

Since it's holiday time I wanted to give back some how. I decided to make all three of my books free at one point during this month. It's just something I wanted to do. I know people enjoy reading and I wanted to hopefully help them in finding a story that would put them into another world for a little while. Sometimes escaping reality is the only place we can find our reality. That probably didn't make much sense and maybe I'm just talking to myself... But in the end I want to find a world that isn't always so cold and hateful,  world where love does conquer all....

Hopefully you will check out the new version of Charming Selene. It's been a rough ride, but it's done, finally. Thank you for always taking the time to read my little blog here. It's much appreciated.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Why the hell do we bother?

Blogging... It's supposed to be the way to get people to hear your stories, to hear your words of wisdom, or better yet, to read what you are selling.

When I started blogging all I knew was that I was just going to talk about the most random bull-shit and if people read what I wrote, awesome, if not... Well... Then I guess that would be something I had to deal with. It's been literally months since I have blogged. When going through things in your life you either share these issues or you don't. I chose not too. Maybe because I'm a private person in some way, or maybe because there wasn't a way for me to not sound like I was pissed off all the time. Either way... I didn't blog.

Lately, there's been a change in me.... No longer being the kid on the sideline, no longer being the door mat that I have felt I had been for so long. Something inside of me decided no more. I hide behind a screen, I wrote about my issues in my books, and then sat back and just laid there taking whatever may come. In my life, I have never claimed to be perfect, hell, even great at anything, but the common misunderstanding from others is that I didn't care how they treated me. It does, it did, but now... Now, 'they' can say whatever they would like, because honestly my give it a shit meter broke.

People, friends, even family can make you  doubt yourself every single day. Whether it's about my career I chose, my parenting, my marriage, you name it, people have an opinion. Often, I listened to all of their opinions of me, and let it rule my heart. The outside said I was fine, the inside cried... No longer could I stand by and let this keep going on.

Raising two daughters, there's a part of me, that wants to show them that the world is your oyster. Take it by storm and do whatever you can to be the best person you could be... But how could I teach that when I was letting people walk all over me and just saying, "Well, that's just how they are." Please! You are an asshole and you treat people like that because it made you feel better about yourself. No more for me... NO MORE!

I am on a journey of getting healthy, inside and out. If that means having to take a step back from the ones who have hurt me or ever made me feel not good enough... Then BYE, Felicia. (Haha)
There has to be a point in our lives where stand up for ourselves, stand for something. No longer letting the 'naysayers' get the best of you. No longer letting the ones who continually hurt you do so. This has to be something we find within ourselves. People turn to all kinds of things to heal their broken hearts. Alcohol, drugs, food, you name it... We let it heal us for that short time. Hell, people turn to religion thinking that will solve all their problems, and maybe for some it does. Just not me.

Somewhere along this journey you have to stand up for yourself. You have to fight the fight even if no one is on your side. Because you are your own worst enemy at times.

So, now that I have "bitched" about the why's of why I haven't been myself, it's time to share the realization of what my life is truly like. I am overweight, 30 something year old woman, who has always put others first, because that's what I thought I should do. Like I said before at some point in your life you have to take a stand for YOU! That doesn't mean you stop caring for others, it means you start caring about yourself too. This journey we call life has many roads, often we take the one that everyone else takes.. Why lead when we can just follow the sheep? I don't want to be the sheep anymore, I want to be the WOLF! I want to be the leader of my own life, and that's exactly what is going to happen. If you are struggling in your life, then believe me, you are not alone. Every day can be struggle, but if we take the chance to follow the road less traveled then maybe we will find out what we really are made of. Often we let others cut us down, cut us so severely that we don't know if we will bleed out or not.... But somewhere along the way, we have to decide to stop covering up the scars of their words and their actions, stop putting a band-aid over it and let that cut bleed... Till you say ENOUGH!

When people take a stand for something they believe in, as in themselves, you will see that those who have hurt you, will eventually turn away from you. If they can't make you feel like they did then they will turn, they always do.(These are the sheep trying to be wolves.)
We are often taught to turn the other cheek, but sometimes, you have to stand there and take it. Then you have to walk away with your head held high knowing that you no longer would be their punching bag so to speak.

We have to believe in ourselves. That's the first step. If you want to change who you are, then this is they key to open the door. Find out what you really are made of.
As the saying goes.. If you fall for everything you will never stand for anything. Stand TALL, Stand Proud, and be all means.... Be YOU! Be proud of how far you have came, be proud of what you have endured and let the scars show.. That's who you are, that's what makes you, you!

This may actually be the longest blog post I have ever done.. But this was something that I needed to say. I often tell others that they can be themselves, but never did that for myself. Today, that changes.... For me, for you...

Thank you for reading this and taking the time out of your day. If you are struggling with where you are, then make the decision to change and what you let happen in your life. Be proud of who you are.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Free... Yea, that sums it up.

Starting today, Monday, August 1st through August 5th, my book, Enchanted Legacy will be FREE. It was my first stand alone book. I know it wasn't the best formatting or editing that could have been done, but it was way better than my first one. What an exciting time that was.

The book is a paranormal twist on Romeo and Juliet. The story was loosely based on how my life had been at one point. New surroundings, a new way of life, and having to fight for myself. I had imagined a life outside of what the "norm" would be and felt like it was a way to share with the world, that there's a life outside of just what people expect. In any case, I hope that you get a copy and enjoy the book. It has some twists and turns that people didn't see coming. (Hopefully, you get a little nervous at times for Bridget. That's the main character. LOL)

Thank you for taking the time to read this little blog message. Enjoy your Monday! See ya soon!
Dee King

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Something changed...

It's been a while since I have blogged, and yesterday I posted a video of my daughter sharing the reason why she wants to VLOG. Now, this summer has been a huge difference in what all has taken place, and fortunately I have been able to share in these moments with my children. Every summer I take off from writing and spend that with my girls, because it's the only time I have with them like this. Sure, there's many people who think less of me for doing this and or have an opinion, but this is all I have to say to them.. It's not your life. Being a mother is one of the greatest joys I have ever known, and if I get the chance to spend multiple days with my children, then I am taking it. I do apologize for not being on here as much as others do, but again, when you have two kids who need and want to talk to you, well, that comes first.

With all of that being said, I will be back here very shortly. There is so much worth sharing. If you didn't get the chance to watch my daughter's video I urge you to hear what she has to say. In my next blog, I will also discuss the reasons behind the video and what it means for her to have done this..

Don't get me wrong, there have been moments this summer where I have literally thought, "Just shoot me now.." On dealing with them fighting, arguing, you touched me first, etc.. But I honestly wouldn't give up all of that for nothing. Time is precious. One day they won't care about hanging out with their old mom, they won't need me like they do now, and one day all of this will be just fond memories, but I want to cherish these memories as they come.

Thank you for understanding.. Like I always say, I have the best fans/friends in the world. You do not go unseen.


Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Your not alone | My First Video

My daughter breaks her silence.. You are not alone! We hope that you feel you are loved in this world when there is so much hate spread right now. Thank you for viewing!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Is it worth it?

Where the heck do I begin today?
This week we have a lot going on with the books. It's crazy pressure time for me. We have a whole overhaul on all the pages I have. That alone is enough to drive a person into the crazy house, but we shall see how this plays out. When you think of all the things that you have to do as an author it can be very overwhelming. Let alone what you have to do just to keep your normal life on track. That's kind of the fun of all this. Stress isn't fun, but seeing people liking your books, your thoughts, well that alone is worth all this. Isn't that why I started this in the first place? To reach people? To try to tell stories that left you uplifted or wanting more?
(Again, I try to remind myself of why I do this daily..) 
There's going to be days that you fight yourself for what to do with all of this, and there will be days where you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Today, hopefully, there is a light at the end of this long ass tunnel.
This seems to be all I have for today.. Looking forward to sharing more with you very soon!
Peace, Love, and all that Jazz- Dee

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

One week, almost..

It's been almost a week since I published Charmed Destiny. What a whirl wind of an event. When you publish a book, you sit there waiting.. Waiting to see what others think of your work, wondering if you have done everything right.. wondering if anyone will ever read the book you poured your heart and soul into. These are all the questions I played on repeat in my mind that day.
I have heard many good things about the book thus far, so that's a good sign. Right? This story took me back to a lot of pain that I never thought I would share with anyone, let alone the whole world. From the love story inside the book, to the main point of the story.. It's my life put into a very fictional book. With that being said, I also knew I was taking a huge chance writing this series of books. Family members could be mad at me for what I have put out into the world. Only one thing I can say about that.. This is my story, this my life.. I am sure they have a difference of opinion, but it's my story to tell. These books will always be a work of fiction, obviously, but there is points in the books where you can see they relate to my life. That's the scariest part of all this. The book, Charmed Destiny, took so long to write and finish. It started out with a very different idea of what I had thought originally.. That's the beauty of writing. You never know where a story is going to go. The whole mythology vibe in the books is also because I loved learning about in school.It may not be exactly how they are supposed to be in mythology because I didn't want that. I wanted some of it to keep with the myths, but others I wanted to throw right out. Again, this is just a story.. My story..
People that know me say they are never shocked that I write books for a living.. I have always told such elaborate stories, wrote upon any paper that was in reach.. It's the love of story telling I think.. I believe that all writers just want to tell their stories in their minds, and I just chose to write books to tell mine. With all this being said.. there's a music video that I wanted to share that we found recently that seemed like it was meant to go along with the book. Seriously, love the song. If you have read any of my past blogs, it's pretty much inevitable that I will speak about music. It's just who I am. Haha.
Peace, Love, and all that Jazz- Enjoy the week my friends! Dee

Thursday, March 31, 2016

It's LIVE!

I am so sorry I have been absent, but it was all for this dang book! After hours and hours of editing etc.. the book is now live! I will post more tomorrow and maybe give some insight into where the book is at and where the next book is going.. Check it out Amazon today!

Monday, February 29, 2016

Just a little something to start your Monday......

Alright, alright, alright.. (My best Matthew McConaughey voice there) We have made a video for Charmed Destiny. Now, if this works.. I am crossing my fingers, but I am so excited to share this. This was a big collaboration of efforts.

Two Indie Bands let me use their songs for the video. Choosing the songs were easy, though. I love both of these songs and these bands. The Shameless Pursuit and Ships Have Sailed let me use their tunes and I couldn't thank them enough!

The video is to tell you a little of the newest book to the Charming Series. I wanted to tell just enough that maybe others would be excited to see where the story is headed. It's very different from the first one. Hopefully, that's a good thing.

Well, without further ado.. I give you the video for Charmed Destiny!

Friday, February 26, 2016

It's coming...

I swear this book and this series is going to drive me crazy! It's coming! I swear that this book is gonna be the one that drives me right into the crazy house. The book was supposed to be published this month and that's just not gonna happen. We are trying very hard to make sure that this book, this time is going as well as I possibly can. I know that it's not when I said it would be, but I didn't see there would be issues. But, of course there were issues.. It's me. Haha.. Story of my life.. 

But I promise the book is coming, and I truly hope that it will have been worth the wait. I have heard that it might be.. So that gives me hope. I will also blog more this coming week, but with the deadline breathing down my neck .. Well, that's making it a bit harder. Hopefully, when all said and done this book and this series will be something I can be proud of. Enjoy your weekend my friends.

Peace, Love, and all that Jazz- Dee 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

One whole week

I survived one whole week on the best sellers list for Fantasy and Paranormal Romance. Didn't think that was gonna happen, but it did! It still doesn't seem real. I just wanted to say a quick thank you for reading my randomness. It's always a pleasure knowing that others out there feel the same as I do on some things. 
Okay, enough with all of that.
Let's talk Superbowl Fifty shall we? Did you watch the game? Did you party? Here's a little fun fact about me, I am a huge Denver Broncos FAN! Like fan from when I was a kid. So, of course, we watched the game. I don't think I have ever spoke about sports on my blogs, but today is going to be a first. All I can say is that I thought the game was a little boring towards the end, but overall my team pulled out the W. Man, I am not sure if Peyton has just completely lost his mojo or what, but I really hope he's on the verge or retirement. He's gotta be one of the greatest players that have ever played the sport, but watching Sunday was just sad. I just hope he goes out on a height  of his career.
Now, that half time show... I have heard so many things that it's crazy. People will look for anything to find a problem with something. I swear. I actually liked the half time show. (I may or may not be a massive fan of Coldplay.) I could have done without some of it, but overall I enjoyed it.
Holy crap! Lady Gaga killed it! I thought she did an exceptional job. 
Alright, what else do we have this week.... Hmm. Oh yea, I have a new book coming out. It's the second book in my series. It literally has taken a year to finish this project. I took off about three months at one point from writing all together. I think that letting others opinions sink into my thoughts clouded my ideas. That had to be the first thing I stopped doing. I stopped listening to the "naysayers" and did my own thing. That's the only way it can ever truly happen for me. If I stop listening and just do what I feel, I am living my dream, not theirs. We often forget that at times. Always trying to please others, always trying to make sure that we make other people happy when in reality, we have to find a happiness within ourselves. So, on that note, I am proud that here very shortly I am publishing the second book in this series (My third book published) and look forward to moving on. 
That's about all I have for today's random words of bullshit. Haha. 
Peace, Love, and all that Jazz- Dee

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Best Sellers

We often find ourselves, as writers, reaching for a particular goal. That beloved best seller list. We don't start out on that dream, we start out as just what we are. Writers. Then you start to want something more.. 
You want to see your name on a best selling list. It doesn't matter which one, just one. That to you would say, Hey, you did an awesome job. In reality what it would clarify is all the times you doubted yourself, the I give the hell up's, and the F this shit attitude would have all been worth it. As a writer, author, we tell these stories that somewhere inside of us this is what we want the world to know. We don't know how we do it, we just do it. It's something that seems to come second nature to us. Any kind of award makes you feel like you have been approved. Honestly, though, you write for you. 
Hell, I write and never think anyone is going to read what I say. Why would they? I am just another person rambling on about bullshit that often doesn't matter to anyone but myself. I mean I could write some beautiful poetry, love song, etc.. but in reality, I would be doing that for other people not myself. When you sit down and write a book, you are doing much more than rambling on. You are creating a world that somewhere lives inside of you. It may be that it's a world you dream of, or it could be a world filled with your nightmares. Either way, that story is yours to tell. Only you. 
Well, I recently made the best seller list. Now, I know what you're thinking.. How they hell did that happen? I honestly have no idea. But, it did. I have it for two different genres. Paranormal Romance and Fantasy. I wrote my first book over two years ago now, and it's just now being read. Do I feel amazing? Yes. Am I worried that people who bought will hate it? Hell yes. Do I feel that I have something to look forward to? Of course. We all want some kind of validation in our lives from all sorts of things. Yes, it feels awesome to have this now, but it also feels like a big brick was just placed on my shoulders. What if the next book is awful? I thought the first one wasn't that great.. In the end.. 
We should remember why we started writing in the first place.. Our love for telling a story. It doesn't matter if you make a list or if you never sell a single copy of your work. You did what you wanted, you worked for an ultimate goal, and that my friends, is what sets us apart. We, as authors, have to know that we will be under a microscope at times. People will tear your work apart. BUT, it's that one person that says.. I loved it. I cried. I felt such a connection with the characters. That is what makes this all worth it. So NEVER give up on your goals. You never know, two years later, you may just be a best seller too!

YOU GOT THIS! Reach for the stars! Peace, Love, and all that Jazz- Dee
P.S. Here is my shameless plug for my book series. Feel free to let me know your thoughts. These two covers were my concept ideas, I chose the last one. 

P.P.S. The book is not edited correctly and had major formatting issues, but none the less, I wrote a book and published it. The hell with it. I had to go for my dream! You should too!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Nothing is ever black and white...

When you start writing you have no idea where the story or where the sentence is even going.. You just write because it becomes a second nature to you. You write to feel, to let out all those thoughts that run through your mind, and you write to release the inner you. That's where you find yourself becoming the person you wanted to be. You. 
Writing isn't just about making up a story or about pleasing others, it's just about you speaking your mind. You lose yourself somewhere along the way... You find yourself in those pages too. We could all talk about how writing for yourself is a release for thyself, but in all honesty, writing is much more than that. You put your words down on paper (or type it out) and then you decide to release that part of yourself to the world. You take the chance to let the whole world see your soul wrote out in front of the world, letting the cruel world ridicule your every word, your every thought. 
When you write a book, you put your whole world inside your head on blast for the world to say.. You suck, That was amazing, This story was pointless, This was a waste of my time, the list goes on and on.. BUT let's remember you are the one that took the chance for the whole world to read your thoughts. You took the chance for people to see inside of your little world. No, you may not be the best, hell, you may be the worst, but does that matter? You wrote what you felt, it was never about pleasing the whole world, it was about you sharing who you are, a part of you.. in black and white. 
Nothing in this world is ever just black and white. Those words you share with the world, those thoughts, those characters, are all apart of who you are. That's you in black and white, yet, the world you want to bring to others is full of colors. The dark shades of the pain you have felt, the lighter shades showing the joyful times you have had. Nothing in this world is black and white. It's a world full of so many shades, that you never want anyone to walk away thinking.. That was just black and white. I want to write in color. I want to feel in color. The pain that drives me, the lighter shades that light my path, these are all my words, my thoughts, my fears and dreams wrote in ... well, color. 

Don't ever let anyone take your passion from you. Everyone can have opinion, but if you write, you started for one reason only. Yourself. Don't let the ones who only see black and white cloud your dream. Be who you are and don't be afraid of who that is. Because someone, somewhere, see's those same colors you wrote in. As for me, I think I am going to keep writing in many colors, many shades of myself.. I will never let anyone steal my colors. Those are mine to share, not theirs. We, as writers, have to know that we do something others are petrified of doing... We let ourselves be seen for who we are. The good, the bad, and the ugly! So, you, yes you, YOU keep being yourself, because that's who I want to know. The real, the raw, the unleashed best version of you!

Peace, Love, and all that Jazz- Dee King

Monday, January 18, 2016

It's been crazy...

It always seems that the first of the year is crazy for me. Trying to get back into the swing of things, seems to be a little bit of a harder task then I had imagined.

I often sit back and wonder why I even bother doing this.. Why do I write on a blog, a book, a page, etc.. when I feel like I may never have anything to accomplish by doing those things. It's the little insecure thoughts that race through my mind, telling me.. I'm no good, give up.

But, I won't. I fought to be here today, and have been fighting for myself for a long time. It was never about what I could accomplish for others, but for myself. We all go through times in our lives when we may not feel like we are worthy. You may even be feeling how I feel at times, but don't pay attention to all the drama. Believe in yourself, is the only motto I can chant. If I don't believe in myself, then who is going too? It starts with one purpose, one goal, and you build to that goal to follow your dreams.

Did I ever think I would be a best selling author? No way!
Did I ever think that people would listen or read my words of random bullshit? Nope.
Did I do all this because I wanted to do it for myself? Hell Yes!

It doesn't matter how many times I get knocked down, I keep getting back up. I have too. Quitting was never the option, even when I really felt like I should. That's not who I am, and nor do I want to be.

Blogging for me seems to be more about an open letter to others. What I like, what I hate, trying to stay positive.. I read the other day how I am supposed to run a blog to make it successful, etc.. BUT I felt like that's not what I wanted. It was never going to be like that for me. I just wanted to share my thoughts, and ideas, and maybe even, share my dreams with the world. It never will be about the fame, the money (there is none lol) and or the title that goes along with being an author. I just wanted to find myself through this journey.

Everyone needs a little push sometimes, everyone needs to be reminded that they are loved. (I know I certainly do.) That's why I started blogging and called it randomness. Hearing about my books may not be that exciting, reading about the music I love, may be exhausting.. But every now and then I want to remind others that they are not alone in their fight for their dreams. When you feel defeated, you should know, that someone else is in your corner. I am always going to PUSH for people to know they have a purpose, that they are cared for.. That's just something I feel I gotta do.

So, if you are feeling like you are taking one step forward and two steps back, don't fret, I understand your feelings. In the end, we all just have to keep pushing. Pushing ourselves to be better, to keep working towards our goals, to keep climbing up that mountain, whatever the cost!

(P.S. I've got your back when you need someone in your corner!)

I shall leave you with some random words of wisdom...

It's not about the who, the where, the why, it's about how high you want to go. Climb that mountain, slay that beast, be positive that you can do anything.

Peace, Love, and all that Jazz- Dee