Wednesday, November 11, 2015

November 11th...

Today, in America, we give honor to our veterans who have fought for our country. I didn't want to go without saying something in honor of them today. I truly believe that these men and women are the true hero's. When you sign on the dotted line you sign just more than a contract to say yes I will do this job, you sign it knowing that you may have to put your life on the line for others. That's something I find quite beautiful in a world so full of hate at times. People never seem to understand what they go through, what their families go through, it's a lot more than then just bringing home a paycheck. So, today I say thank you for your serving your country. If you have served for my country, your country, I thank you too. You are not forgotten!

On a very different note, today is also PLAYLIST Wednesday.. I am in edits like I said last time, and as I edit, I see where I need to add music for certain parts. I promised to bring you music, and let the music tell the story, and I am trying my best to keep my promise. For today.. We have something a little different, but not really. I needed a love song. (I know.. I know.. yuck, love.. HAHA!) Either way, this book is somewhat a love story still, so I needed a song for the beginning of the book too. I am still searching for a song to sum up the Charmed Destiny, but that won't be released till the very end of all the music I have chosen. (That's my top secret one..) Okay, for today I am going to share another video. Hope you listen to the words, and the music moves you.

I have another secret I am going to share with you at one point this week or the next, stay tuned!

Thanks for reading my random thoughts today. Hug a veteran if you get the chance.
Peace, Love and All that Jazz- Dee King

Without further ado, I give you Ellie Goulding....

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