Monday, March 30, 2015

Click the link!

If you click on the blog post I shared from Your Favorite Corner Book Blog, you will get to see the cover reveal. I did an exclusive with two blogs for this today. I will share it on mine tomorrow in case you missed it!

I am so excited for you all to see it! -Dee King-

Your Favorite Book Corner: Cover Reveal - Charmed Destiny

Your Favorite Book Corner: Cover Reveal - Charmed Destiny: Cover Reveal Charmed Destiny by Dee King The Charming Series Releases Summer 2015 Summary: Sebastian and Selene are set...

Thursday, March 26, 2015

To each their own..

            I read different types of blogs all the time, and I know mine is very different. That's the part I pride myself on. I wanted to be unique. Let's be real for a moment shall we?

There is a blog for everything. A blog for religions, music, books, even funny videos. I started writing in this blog almost a year ago, just to share common things with every day people. Of course, I wanted to talk about books, but I found that blogging was almost like journal writing. I could just write about whatever came to mind at the time. I also thought that was the point to blog. Then I found that the more I shared the more people were living the same kind of life. I assume most people think authors are rich and or just crazy. I am not one of those things. Rich. Yep, I am crazy, but not rich. Hahaha.

Your probably wondering why am I even discussing this, and here is the reason. Because of all of you, I stay encouraged to be real. To be myself, to discuss random bull s**t with others. I guess you could say, we all know that everyone's lives aren't  peaches and cream. I know mine is not. There are days that are just bad. There are days that are fantastic. Then there are days in between. That's how I see life. Every day isn't going to be some marvelous day that we just need to share with the world. Nope, that's not going to happen.

My thoughts were that I would just say that it's okay that days aren't always great. We need to remember the good days in between. Taking a little time for us to breathe, to catch our breath, take the time. Take time for yourself, take time to share your love with others. Everyone needs a moment to reflect, and everyone needs to know that they aren't alone. Some days we will feel alone. This is normal. You are alone at times. That's okay too.

Today, my mind is focused on something, I didn't think it would. I have a big decision to make, and my fear is if I do one thing I will lose who I am, if I don't do it, I may never know. We all have to make hard choices in our lives, even on the days we seem to think are random.

You just never know what opportunity will be knocking on your door, if you always searching for something. Finding yourself, in the bore of every day life, then someone knocks and you are left with a decision.

I am encouraged by all of you, knowing that I can do anything I put my heart and soul into. Even on the boring days, it's still a day I woke up, and am alive.
Try to remember on the random days, that this is life. That we are alive, and today may not be so boring after all.


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wednesday Music Playlist

   It's that time of the week again.. Where I share about music, and what new bands, and even some old ones!

Let's get this party started, shall we?
It's no shock to anyone that I love AWOLNATION. The album is amazing! So, many great songs! It's real, the lyrics are real, and the vibe is kicking!

I have also spoke of the band Bear Hands. They have been around for a little while, but I think their music is way underplayed. The very first song on their album, Distraction, is absolutely awesome! It made the playlist for Charmed Destiny.

"This is not what the Gods made us for, sacrificial lambs.. Let the weaklings drown."
WOW! Those words are pretty deep!

"I'm a butcher the bible says so.. All caged up. Death to sacred cows."

This song has some lyrics that people may not have heard at first when listening, but that's some deep words. An underlying purpose.

This isn't to offend others, but the song is pretty dead on. That's why I chose it for the playlist of Charmed Destiny.

Most of the album is pretty freaking amazing!

Next would be a new band that sent me their music yesterday. Moderne. They sent me a link yesterday. I seriously liked it! They have an alternative sound, but also a new sound.

Okay, let's see what else I have in my bag of tricks today.

Meg Myers! How could I forget her? We found her on our favorite radio station, 96.5 The Buzz a while back. A long while back. Her album isn't actually out yet, but we have both of her EP's. Yeah, I like her that much.

Curbstomp I have used on the playlist, and am searching for what other songs from her that I could use.
She has a sound that no other female has right now. I am a big FAN!

I think that covers it today. I generally, listen to the music, and if I like it, I listen to it again. I love hearing the lyrics. It's what makes a song mean so much more to me.
          Take the time, to listen to music. Find something that makes you feel.
Find music that makes your soul come alive. That's what it's all about in this life, right? Feeling, learning, loving...

In the words of Meg Myers.. "I am falling in deep to you, my love is after you.."
-Dee King-

Friday, March 20, 2015

Weekend Baby!

Today, I am going to share some of my favorite teaser from my new book. It's a darker book for me, but I happened to like the dark. This book was everything dark I wanted to say and then some. I get asked quite a bit if because this is my take on Romeo and Juliet will it end how that story ends, well... That you will just have to read and find out.

Meet Bridget this Spring, coming to an E-Reader near you, very soon!
-Dee King-

Thursday, March 19, 2015

It's that time again..

It's that time where we start really looking forward to the weekend. What will be doing? What do we have going on? Will we be able to relax? Many questions come on Thursdays. We try and get everything together, and we try to make plans. Sometimes, we have a lot to get done on the weekend, and others we just chill.

This weekend I am spending it in my home town. This is not something I look forward to always, but I do like the idea of going home this time. A road trip is just what I need right now. A break before I have to publish two books, and a break where I need to refresh. The last time I was there, I wasn't even writing my first book. This time I am now an author, and in the process of publishing two more books. That seems odd when it was only a couple of years ago.

It's funny how time flies, and how life happens. We may not know then what our future holds, but we can always look forward to it. The last time I was there, I was scared. I was nervous. I hadn't been home in so long that I didn't know what to expect. I had left without looking back many years ago, and going back there was like a time warp for me. I never wanted to stay in that town forever. I use to feel sorry for the people who never left there. They never got to see the world, or hell out of the state. I didn't want that for my life then. When we went back it was crazy how much had changed, yet not much at all. I drove around to all the old places I use to hang. My house I grew up in, the schools I went too, and even some bad memory places. Walking into places that I had known as a teenager seemed so different as an adult. No longer so big, so small, just places. I wanted to walk through the home I had grown up in, but that wasn't going to happen. My parents no longer lived there.. I wanted to see my bedroom, the closet where all my writings and drawings had hung. I wanted to lay on my old bed, and try to remember the good times. That wasn't going to happen either.

There was a part of me that really wanted to run away when I was a teenager, and I did just that. I ran away. I ran to another home, and a year and half later I was back in that same damn town.. then a month later I left, and I never returned till two years ago. People say that it couldn't have been that bad? They are right. It wasn't that bad.. but back then, I just wanted to be free. I wanted to be myself, I wanted to be who I wanted to be without people remembering who I had been. I wanted to run away and make a life outside of those walls I felt that were crushing me. I did do that. At eighteen I left, and at nineteen I left again..

I married very young, had children, and made my own life. I made my own world. Only the past is always going to be somewhere in your memory. You can run, but it's when you face your past that you can move on. Going there doesn't make me sad or happy. It just completes my circle of my life. Seeing the ones I love, is what makes me want to go back. It's also what keeps me here. It's easy to be someone across the internet. It's easy to say nice things, pretend you care, but it's not easy when your face to face. Memories flood over me, good and bad. I try to keep the tears at bay, but they often escape when I don't want them to. I don't want the pity, because I did everything to myself. I chose the life I live now. I love my life.

As an adult we look back and see all the mistakes we made. All the I'm sorry's we should have said. All the It was my FAULT, all the.. I love you's never spoken. I should have been a better person then, I should have seen that I was loved, but I didn't. I had to learn that on my own in time. I have learned who loves me, who cares, and whom I love. This time I go to my hometown knowing that I faced my past, I moved on, and I learned that I am better for it. Everyone has a past, and it's what we do with our memories to who we become. We could all live in the sad, no one loved me, or the happy I was so popular days, but what does that say about you. Don't live in the past, live in the now. And the now is where I live. Whatever comes from memory lane, is always worth the trip, it teaches me that I am okay. I was always okay, and I will always be a better person for the life I have lived........

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Playlist Wednesday...

I always look forward to this day for one simple reason.. Music. When I started writing about songs almost a year ago, I never knew so many people would love to read about the songs I use. When I started out on Twitter, I wanted to make sure that I got as many bands that I could, so I would have a wide variety of music. Then it just kind of exploded from there.

Now, I get music sent to me weekly, and asking about my blog. This blows me away. Here I am, just little ole' me, and people want to read my crazy words of wisdom. (Let's be honest, I just ramble about bullshit.) But, today is the day I always look forward to. It's just me and music. From Justin Timberlake, to bands you have never heard of, but most definitely should.

I did a mini interview yesterday with Alice Sweet Alice's front man. I want to share that all with you, today, and then another band. Here we go.

Me: What would you say your music is listed under?
ASA: Alternative, but we are more Alternative Rock.

Me:Are all of you from the Kansas City area?
ASA: Most are, except me, I am from San Fran.
Me:Cool, cool.

Me:Are all of you married? What's your band's ages?
ASA: 19-46
Me: WOW. That's a wide variety of ages.

Me:So, is there only one girl in the band, because on some of the tracks, a girl sings?
ASA: Yes, actually, there is two girls in the band.

Me: Do you have any gigs coming up?
ASA: Not really, we are just trying to write new lyrics and make music. We aren't looking to be famous, we just want to share our music with people.

This about sums up the conversation, but it was my first interview I did with a band. I was pretty stoked. Alice Sweet Alice, is pretty cool. I have now downloaded all their songs. Seriously, they sound like quite a few bands meshed together, but they are pretty darn good.

NOW, yesterday, I found out a band that I was really enjoying has decided to call it quits. I was upset by this. I found their music to be tunes that people should listen too. I have tried, I have asked, and I don't understand why they are done? I know it's hard for Indie bands, as it is for us, Indie Authors. BUT they have over seven thousand fans.. That's pretty darn good, for an Indie band. The song I loved I have listened to on repeat a couple of time today. The band is the Bedroom Hour. If you don't know them, then you should listen to their soundcloud on their twitter page. I felt like they were really going to make it. Of course, I am not in the music industry, and I have no real pull, but I can social media with the best of them.

The Bedroom Hour is from the United Kingdom, and even though, I am in the United States, doesn't mean I wouldn't pay for tickets to see them if they made the trip across the pond. I am keeping my fingers crossed that they will rethink this option...

That's all I have for this Wednesday, for Indie bands.

AWOLNATION's album came out on Tuesday. You have got to pick that up as soon as you can. There is some great tunes on there. Seriously, check it out.

Alt-J is one of other favorite bands, and their 2nd album is killing it. It's a little different than their first one, but still good!

Muse (We know I am a huge fan) their next album is set to be released VERY soon! You can already, preorder their album, Drones, on Itunes, etc..
This will be a must own too, of course.

That's all for today, I look forward to next week, and more music!

-Have an awesome Hump day my friends, Dee-

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy St. Paddy's Day

Today is Saint Patrick's Day. We could go into detail about why today is Saint Patrick's Day, blah blah blah.. But I feel at this point most people know the story. So, for me, it's a day to show my CELTIC pride!

When I started writing my second book, Enchanted Legacy, I knew I wanted to have a character based somewhat in Celtic heritage.. and thus the book has a Celtic roots as I do. It was exciting to share Celtic pride with people who may not understand it. My family comes from a long line of Celtic pride. Both sides of my family have Irish and Scottish roots, especially my father's side. We have traced our roots back to the 1400s. That's pretty damn far. We all know our clan name, where come from, and how our family got to America. It's something I am now teaching my children. Be proud of where we are from..

Something else exciting is happening today. AWOLNATION's album was released today! I would say I am obsessed, but I have a feeling that you already know that. I have been patiently waiting for today. There are two songs I have listened to on repeat quite a bit.. Windows, and Hollow Moon.

"Off in my head, lost, off in my head, lost.."
"Are we really safer in the shadows? Through the windows..."

These two sentences are in the song Windows, and I have sang it loudly.. How true is this? Are we really safer in the shadows? No, don't hide. Be yourself!

I hope today finds you with the wind at your back, and the sun shining on your face. -Dee-

Monday, March 16, 2015

Music Monday...

 On this day, today, Monday, I have finally announced the first song from the Charming Series, Charmed Destiny. I heard this song a while back, in fact before I even started writing the second book. I fell in love with this song.. I would sing it all by myself and loud as hell. I felt a raw emotion with this song. I have no idea why. It just touched a part of me that I hadn't felt in a while. His words sounded like something I would say.. In fact as I write this I have the song on repeat. Haha. Yes, I am that kind of nerd.

I talk a lot about music and my books, but for me they go hand in hand. When I write I listen, I really listen to the words. My love for music goes back to when I was a small child singing on a stage. I couldn't live without music. All kinds of music. It makes you feel so many emotions. A certain song can come on, and all of a sudden your back in a memory you may have forgotten. Or you can hear a song, and tears fall down your face, and you don't know why.. Music just moves your soul. In this song, I am talking about today.. After he sings the chorus, there is a part where there is just an upbeat tempo that I can't get out of my head. I am not sure who Heidi is, but she sounds like so many other ladies I know. The guy in the story if the song, has had his heart broken, and he tries to warn her.. She doesn't take his advice. He tells a story in the song. These are some of my favorite types of songs.

I don't know the singer (or band) at all, but if any chance he ever reads this, I would want him to know that in one song you made a fan for life. This song was never released on radio as far as I know. I have the album, and when I heard this song.. It was the one. I would be in my car, and play on repeat.. Singing at the top of my lungs to Heidi. I didn't even care who saw me. I am pretty sure I still don't.

When I was starting to think of how the second book in the Charming Series was going to go, I started searching for music first. This song was it.. I know I am making a big deal over one song, but this song spoke to me.. I also felt it was worth other people hearing for these emotions that he speaks of, many have gone through.

Thank you, Jeremy. You gave me a song when I needed it. You helped heal me at a time I didn't know I needed to be healed... You have given me a song that I could use as an inspiration...

-Dee King-

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Busy Days..

 Today is going to be short and sweet! I apologize in advance.. I am going through music files etc.. and then I will bring you more. Also, more of what's popular too.. BUT for today I want to share a little funny picture to get this week moving along. You all have a great DAY!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

It's Playlist Wednesday

     This week is flying by.. Sorry, I didn't fill you all in on Monday, but busy bee seemed to be my name. There is a lot happening in my little world right now, I am trying to play catch up. Today, I am going to "catch" you all up in my world. We have music coming out EVERYWHERE! We have bands people have never heard, that deserve the break. I finished the cover for Charmed Destiny. The next book, in my Charming Series, and I have been enjoying the beautiful weather. I am going to try to post some pictures of the bands or their videos for you. I won't be sharing the new cover quite yet, but that is coming soon, too.

We are just going to jump right in, and hope for the best. Haha.

First of all I have a couple of new bands, that have really rocked the Indie world.
Alice Sweet Alice, has really gone beyond the call for their fans. They have a great song, that I listened to, and now have all their songs downloaded on my computer. Now, another band that has a sweet, kick ass, sound, is The Sun Pilots.
Loved their sound, they have an alternative edge that you could really get behind.. Take a listen, it was well worth it.

Kicking Sunrise, was another one that I liked, I thought the music was different, and I do like different.
This morning I had a band that sent me their music also.
This band was pretty damn good. At first, I was like, sounds like other stuff, but then it was like, OH YES! I am digging this. They are the Bedroom Hour. Man, you have to check them out!

Now, I get bands all day asking for if they will make it into my blog.

I am not gonna lie, I don't like everyone of them. Some just aren't my cup of tea per say, but I do enjoy getting to find music, and sharing it with people. It's pretty awesome. I am a nobody as far as the MUSIC world goes, but if I can give back, then hell yes I will.

Music is my muse, and it helps me feel when I write. Being able to have a lot of different music also captures what I want to write. For every song there is a feeling.. and for every feeling, there is a song.

With Enchanted Legacy I went a darker route, do to the fact that the book, is a dark, romance, crazy, witch twisting novel. Yes, I said WITCH, and yes the main Character is a Witch.

That being said, I wanted to bring a different take on witches, and the paranormal world. There is a curse involved, and some blood shed, but what would a curse be without blood shed? Some people die, some people are murdered, and yet, some people live to tell a story. I hope that the music I have shared with you all, find you searching for the bands. Searching for why I would use them in my books. You know the game that we play by now, if you like them.. SHARE them, tell them, etc.. I have yet to find a band that hasn't been excited about someone liking their sound. So, PLEASE take a listen see what you think. Be honest, and as usual have a great day FOLKS!

I will be back tomorrow with hopefully more bands, more songs, more everything.. Till then, stay awesome! Be you! Be proud! Be yourself first and foremost!


Friday, March 6, 2015

Taking a short break

It's FRIDAY! People! FRIDAY! Shout it out loud! Okay, okay, not that loud.. Damn.. Hehe

Anyways... I m going to take a short break for the weekend. I shall be back Monday with more news, more bands, and possibly some idea of when and what I am doing in my little world.

Some of you may not know who I am.. or hell, why your even reading this. Two reasons.. Your either a band, a fan of a band or you are interested in my upcoming books. EITHER way, I am thankful for you! Since, it is FRIDAY as I have just reminded you, I wanted to post a picture of a poem that I felt like needed to be heard more. Remember, who you are, where you came from, and where you want to go. Don't let others tell you that you can't do something. How do they know? Because they didn't try? Haters are gonna hate, ya know?

So, I shall see all of you again on Monday, where will discuss all kinds of something crazy as usual.
Peace! Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Hump Day

Any of you ever wake up and think, This day is already on my list of bad ones, but then something changes.. You suddenly find out that it's not as bad as what you believe it may be. Then you feel a little softer around the edges. Well, that's how my day started today.

I am now ready for whatever is headed my way.

Yesterday, we talked about bands, and today we shall do that again. Also, we will talk about SWAG! No, I am not talking about your normal swag I mean as gifts, etc.

First things first, on my social media outlets today we are promoting what other sale. Whether it is cutting hair, nail designs, heck, even candles. We are promoting you, today. I wanted to give back to the people who follow me and help me throughout this journey. It seems only fair. I enjoy helping others, and when I get the chance, I try to do what I can. This is just one small step. Hopefully, there will be many ways I can repay you all back for what you do for me.

Second, MUSIC! We discuss ALL the time, how I can't live without tunes. That's not a lie. I couldn't write without it. I have been searching for Indie music groups on Twitter, and wow has the call be answered. I want to be honest, and I want to be polite. BUT I also want to be real. Not every band is my cup of tea, per say, but that doesn't mean that they aren't good.
For today, I will tell you about an Indie group, and then a big name group.

Puppet Rebellion is going to take the Indie world by storm. I just feel it. They were the first band that I ever listened to that was truly Indie, and they were the first band that made real contact with me. I enjoy their music. Definitely, check them out.

AWOLNATION, Man, I can't get enough of these guys!
If you know the song, Sail, then you and I can be friends.. If not, you must listen. They have a new single out, and man oh man, that song is amazeballs. Yes, you read that right. I said that word.

I would post videos today, but I am going to leave that till the weekend.

Alright, so today we have SWAG and two more bands for you to check out! What are you waiting for? GO! GO! GO!
Tell them I sent you. I have no idea why, but hey, at least they will know we all care, right. Isn't that what the Indie world is all about?

Caring is sharing. Haha. Talk to you soon, Dee

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Teaser Tuesday!

 So, this week my facebook like page changed it up, quite a bit.
We decided to start giving back to the Indie community that helps me.

Yesterday, was Music Monday. Boy, oh boy, was there a different sound coming from people. All kinds of music was posted yesterday. On my Twitter, we did the same thing. There was a band that asked if I would listen to their tunes. As usual, I did. I was honored to have a couple of bands ask. I told the band FATKINGBULLA, I would mention them today. This band threw me for a loop. It's a latin group, but the music was the kind that makes you want to dance. Great beats, catchy tunes, and a fun band to say the least. I have nothing to compare them too, they have their own sound.

Let's be honest, some of the bands I won't love, but this one... This one caught my attention.
Music Monday also included songs from Puddle of Mud, Rob Zombie, Ellie Goulding, and more. The songs went along with Enchanted Legacy pretty well. I enjoy Music Monday so much. Truth be told, I can't write without music. They go hand in hand for me. I always take your suggestions, listen to them, and if you make the cut, then CONGRATS! Your muse, becomes my muse, to do what I love doing so much. I appreciate all the music of the world. It helps me find a peace..

On to Teaser Tuesday. We want others to join in on the fun. This will probably take a while for it to catch on, but we do love helping others. I am a firm believer in giving back, and that whole you get more bees with honey saying. It's the truth, though. If you help others, when you need help, they may be there for you. Being kind isn't just a phrase you should say, you should live it. If you have a teaser or you follow a book blog, etc.. let me know. I am always available for you guys.

Tomorrow, we have another day set up for you.. I hope you enjoy certain days of the week, as I do.

Thank you for being LOYAL! I see you, and I love you for that!