Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Two more..

When I first started this blog, all I wanted was to make people happy. I have became excited to see the views every day.. I look at my audience numbers, and that thrills me. I have people in Germany, Poland, and other countries reading my blog. Who would have ever imagined that little old me, behind the screen could reach so many people. It's fun! I enjoy sharing my thoughts with each of you, and I enjoy sharing my book. I think I talk about such random thing's that I always thought no one would read what I had to say. BUT LOOK! Look at you guys! Reading my randomness! I am so thrilled to say that here shortly, with your help we (you and I) will reach a very high number in views! This blog is to thank you guys again!! Please feel free to comment. I would love to know your thoughts! Even if you hate my randomness, you are still reading, and that makes you freaking awesome! Like I have said before I am new, but I am trying! Stick with me guys, because we can only go up from here!! Thank you!!
 No song this time.. I am working on a new playlist.. If you want to give me a song, go ahead! I promise to listen, and try to give the band that inspires you credit!

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