Sunday, April 6, 2014

I am working hard..

  I find it hard to believe that so many of you read my blog! It's so exciting to get to know that many of you out in the big wide world web, can even see this??? It's funny.. years ago people would have never thought this to be a way to communicate with others, and now look? Technology is truly amazing!! I still remember when all we had was AOL and everyone was on that.. now look how far we have come. My blog has reached people in Malaysia, Germany, Russia...and I just have to say that I find this so exciting. This blog is to thank you! Thank you for reading my words of wisdom, oh, who are we kidding my words or randomness is what I should say. I am surely not the words of wisdom. I am just someone who likes to share... I soon hope to have people that would like to follow me on my blog.. I know that's my goal in all of this.. comments etc.. You have something to say, well let's hear it? I would like to discuss anything and everything. Maybe I should tell more people about myself, but really I am just a woman trying to get by in this day to day thing we call life. Writing a book has been a great outlet for me. The book is fantasy, paranormal, and a little bit of my life.. Writing Charming Selene has been great. I am looking forward to publishing and writing the other two to finish her story. I will soon be explaining more of my book, and maybe giving you some insight into my world.. Actually, Selene's world..
 Hopefully, you all will stay with me through this.. I am still new, and this is still a work in progress.. but maybe we will grow together!!

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