Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Playlist Tuesday!

Some of you may have noticed that I have not been writing every day, well I apologize I just feel that I need to focus on getting this book done. So, from now on I will try and do at least 2 blog entries a week! That means I will cram a whole bunch of information in 2! It should be fun! Let's do this!
 Who is ready for this week's playlist?? I know I am! Here goes..
Burn-Ellie Goulding
Rather Be- featuring Jess Glynne- Clean Bandit
Am I wrong-Nico&Vinz
         Now, let's do some popular music, and some fun song's that help us all feel a little bit more like picking ourselves up, and maybe remembering your happy place.
 Treasure-Bruno Mars
 Mirrors-Justin Timberlake
Pink- Just give me a reason
Animals- Martin Garrix
Now, let's find something for our heavy metal fans! Something you listen to when you are angry, that may make you feel the need for speed. "Drive fast" Crazy! Get your mind's out of the gutter!
Here WE go!
Blood- In this Moment
Pscychosocial- Slipknot
                Let's do some throwback music for the youngester's and us old folks :)
Bittersweet Symphony- The Verve
Closer- Nine Inch Nails

Quite a playlist today! Music can inspire as I always say! Some of these song's I actually use while I am writing! You ever hear a song. and it remind's you of another place, another time? Well, as I write I think of how these song's have helped me at different times!
 Okay, so who wants another expert from my book?
 Good! Don't all raise your hand's at once. I got this!! I promised some fun today, and FUN we shall have! Who is ready?

      I do not remember a time ever looking in the mirror and thinking I was remotely as pretty as my friend's. Today, for the first time I can see a glow about myself. I feel alive. Realizing who I truly am. I have no clue what it actually means to be a Goddess, but I think I can picture it for  the first time. 

As usual please give the song's a listen, and give them their credit!! Thanks so much! 

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