Monday, June 30, 2014

HEY! I have missed you!

 HEY! I know, I know, it's been a while since I posted, but I did not forget about you guys!!!!!! I have been working hard on getting teasers and ready to publish very, very soon! I wanted to let you guys in on some more of my secrets! So TEASER'S were the only way I knew that I could let you know I had not forgotten you!!! Let's do playlist Tuesday tomorrow? What do you say?????
Great!! See you tomorrow for some FUN!
-Dee King-

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

What up????

I thought I would touch base with you all for a brief moment for this HUMP day.. I am still doing the giveaway's for Wicked Women today! My book is up for people to win! No, not the published version, but the book that you can read before it's live! I have butterflies, and I am so nervous... Whew! It's gonna be a day! If you want to drop in, please feel free! Find me :)
-Dee King- (Look on Face book for the giveaway.. Wicked Women Book Blogs giveaway, or Author Dee King.. I can always send you an invite!)

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The day after...

Today, on Face book I will be co-hosting a giveaway for Wicked Women Book Blogs. I would love for you to join us if you get the chance! The giveaway is HUGE! Books, swag packs, Amazon gift cards, and a KINDLE! I am even giving away an ARC of my book! (AKA someone gets the chance to read it before it is actually published!) Today, should be lots of fun! If you follow me on Twitter you can always message me through there too if you need an invite to the giveaway! Let's have some fun!!!!!!!!!! See you there- Author Dee King (You can like my page, friend me, etc..)

Monday, June 23, 2014

Do you?

 It's no surprise on how much I like movies, television, and music. Last night I was watching one of my favorite show's, Burn Notice, on Netflix. I often find myself thinking what would I do if I was in Michael Westin's shoe's. Funny right? Because I am definitely not a spy, nor would I ever be, but this show makes you think you could be like that, too. 
 I like this show a lot, and if you get the chance to watch it.. you MOST definitely should! 
   Also, I am FINALLY getting the chance to watch the mini series Camelot! MAN OH' MAN! This mini series (10 episode's) is sooooo good! I, of course, love history, and even though it is said that King Arthur could or is a myth, this mini series that Starz did is really out of this world. Without giving too much away if you have not seen it, I will say this.. the sword and the stone was a story you learned as a child, when they did this in the series, it really was dead on with what you would think would have happened (or something very similar) .... The myth of the sword was that the Greek God, Aries placed it there, and if you were worthy of the sword, then it would be yours. Hence, the story of the sword and the stone. I know this was said to take place in United Kingdom, I often thought how cool that would have been to be able to see that happen. 
  I hope you get the chance to see either or both if these shows. They are well worth the watch! 

Friday, June 20, 2014

Randomness for this Friday!

WORLD CUP! FIFA! Are you watching????

Now, before you get all excited, or sad, I wanted to share some random thought's with you all! Next blog post it will be back to your regular scheduled program.. Haha.. 

World Cup is going on right now! Even if you are not a fan you have probably seen an ad, a tweet, a facebook status.. you name it, you have at least heard about it! In America we refer to the sport as soccer.. I often find it funny that people either love or hate the sport. Why is that? If I am right, (which I could totally be wrong, so you may want to check the stats on this) Soccer aka Futbol has been around for many, many years! I believe it was the first global sport! ( Beside's the Olympics) Futbol is an amazing sport to watch to be honest. The athletics alone used in this sport is to be admired! Have you ever been to a game? I am telling you now, it is worth every penny! The fans alone can make a game! I have seen anywhere from singing to fighting! FANS truly love their teams! What is the team you are "rooting for?" It's looking like Germany is in good runnings for this win of the World Cup! I personally, have 2 favorite teams. One of them is on it's last leg, though. They have one more chance to win just to stay in the games. 

Today, I wanted to let you all know that I love sports, too! People are complex, and I thought I would share some love for the games! 

Let's hear for it your team! Go ahead, SHOUT IT OUT!! GOOOOOO (insert your team's name)!!!!!! Good Luck to your teams! 
-Dee King-

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Did you see?

I posted 2 video's for you all! Both are song's that I have used for my playlist in my book.. 
With the book being released very, very soon, I wanted to start sharing music and songs that inspired me. When I started this journey I would listen to music for hours, and hours feeling the emotion from the song's for different scene's I wrote. I will soon be starting on the 2nd book in the trilogy. Now, I will need to find new music, but as the date approaches I wanted to give you my playlist in a FUN way!!

Civil Twilight - Letters From The Sky (Video)

My favorite song!! The words are beautiful!

Muse - Supremacy (Official Video)

I can not tell you how much this video and this song co-inside with my book! The MUSE has a huge following, and I have been a fan for many years! If this song doesn't grab you, then that's okay too.. BUT it is ONE of my FAV'S!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Maroon 5 - Maps Official HD

Iggy Azalea - Fancy (Explicit) ft. Charli XCX

Mr Probz - Waves

Think outside the box

   We all try to think outside the box, but do we really? It can be so hard to step out of our comfort zone.. if it doesn't come easy to our mind's, then we just stay in our little bubbles. 

I think that's why I love to read so much. I like thinking outside of my little "bubble," and feeling apart of another world. We all have read books that we fell in love with that world, and then we have read those books that we think, huh? Well, I wanted to create a world that you could either picture yourself at that time, or take you to a place where you may have been as a young adult. I didn't want it to be normal, though. I wanted a world that you could feel like this could happen. We need, we want to feel emotions. It's what let's us know we are human. 
Today, I found a new song.. that's right.. I have found a new release for us to check out. I, actually stumbled across it by accident. It summed up how I felt this morning.

David Gray- Back in the world 
It's his new release! It was new to me, too! Let's listen to it together, and see what we think. I liked it, how about you? 
Remember to give credit where credit is due! Thanks for reading my thoughts today!!
-Dee King- 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Well, hello there!

 Today is Tuesday, and that means it's not the dreaded M word! THAT means today is already better, right? What do you say we have some fun today? I think I will give a quote from my book, and I will tell you about a new single I have heard! What should we do first? Okay, okay let's not get to excited. We shall do the quote first!

"I start to panic. I hit the water so fast that I am immediately being towed under. Water is filling the car fast. I try to pull the seat belt loose. It's stuck. Water is already to my chest. Finally, the seat belt comes loose. I struggle, as the water rises."

Hmm, wonder what happens next? I guess we shall all find out in July when the book is published! 

Now, on for the song..... Maroon 5 has a new release! Are you excited? Yepeeee!! That's right folks, hold your applause till the end. The song is called Maps. It's about how he follows a map back to the love of his life. He is following the map that leads to her. It should be another hit for them! I adore them.. I know, I know I am such a girl, but I do. I love "love songs," this can not be a total surprise though. I am writing a romance novel. Haha! 
So, what do you say? Give it a whirl? What can it hurt??? 

Thank you all for who have been following me on my wordpress account, and on the Wicked Women Book Blog on WordPress. I have seen you, and you guy's ROCK! Thanks for sticking with my randomness.. 

-Dee King-

Monday, June 16, 2014


      Who hates Monday's? Let me see a raise of hands? I knew you guy's felt the same as me! I know that Monday is like a bad word, isn't it? People just say the word, and you are like NOOOOOO! You just had a great weekend, and here we are back to the grind, working, wishing this day was already over. I know your pain! 
      Since, we are all in agreement of this dreaded day what do you say we have some fun? May be a little song to boost our spirits, or may be even a funny picture just to make us giggle? Okay.. WE can do this people! Get your spotify, your pandora ready, and let's click a song that can help us through this day! ARE YOU READY? I will wait, while you are getting your music ready.. 

Ready? Let's do this.......
Footloose- Kenny Loggins That's right! An oldie but a goody! Now, turn it up.. Sing along with me.. EVERYONE! Footloose, Footloose... everybody cut Footloose.. That's right keep singing along, tap your foot along.. 
 You feel a little better now don't you? HAHAHA! So, let's make Monday our "bitch," and we may just have a nice Monday. What can it hurt right? 

Friday, June 13, 2014

Friday the 13th

 Ohhhhhhh.. the spooky day of Friday the 13th is today! Today, you may notice some crazy thing's.. Try to remember what day it is, and then chalk it up to that. That's my plan, because thinking the world is going crazy seems a little scarier than just thinking it's "Oh, it's because it's Friday the 13th." Now! For some exciting news... Who's ready? Okay okay, let's calm down.. it's not that exciting.. Haha!
I am now writing some for Wicked Women Book Blogs on WordPress. I have the honor of doing some reviews for them, and just writing my normal randomness. You guy's know I can't just be normal. Really though, what is normal? I know I am beginning to hate that word. Who wants to be normal, like everyone else? We are not sheep. We don't just want to blend in.. We want to be ourselves, we want to like what we like, and who cares why or how. So, I say today.. We say GOODBYE Normal, and Hello RANDOMNESS! Oh, you know have some randomness in you. Don't shy away.. yes you. It's okay to be yourself! BE YOU! BE FREE!!!!!!!!!
In the words of one of my favorite movies, Braveheart.... FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!! That's right folks, be free to be you!
-Dee King-
Our song for today is... Radioactive by Imagine Dragons
A little side note about this song.. I found this band when it was first released. We bought the CD not knowing if they were even good. Now, they have literally BLOWN UP! It's exciting to see something that you enjoyed, become other peoples favorite's too!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

It's Hump Day

Hey folks, you know what day it is! Hump Day!! That is the day before Thursday, which means we are one step closer to the weekend! That means that we should have some fun today, and some randomness! Who is ready for some randomness???
  Let's do some music to start our Hump Day off right! Yesterday, was our Playlist Tuesday, but you guy's know I didn't forget you! What's hot right now in music will be what I post about today! So, let's get our groove on shall we??

First song - A Sky Full of Stars- Coldplay (Oh, come on, you know by now I love them)
Second song - Not a bad thing- Justin Timberlake (JT as his fans would say)
Third song- Me and my broken Heart- Rixton
Fourth and final song (Make it a good one, no pressure, right?) - Money on My Mind- Sam Smith

Now, let's all sing together and unison.. Okay, may be some of shouldn't sing aloud. How about a whisper together, yes you, singing loudly still.. may want to calm down a bit... HAHA! Have a Happy Hump Day!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Time is getting close

 In no way shape or form am I trying to hurry this month along. I have been feeling the nerves kick in for a little bit now. Soon, I will publish Charming Selene to the whole world wide web. Nothing like having your words read by others, and hoping they don't hate it. Heck, just hoping they even read it.. Oh, I am sure that every author feels the same way. How could you not? I am not looking to be the next bestseller, I am just looking for others to read it, and not hate it. Haha.
 I have received some exciting news though, and that helps calm the nerves a tad. Not a lot, because let's face it.. even the best books are not read by some. You have your classics that you have to read in school (which no one ever wants to do, hence Cliff  notes), and then you have books that seem to fly off the shelf. How they manage that, well, that is a mystery to me. Is it the cover? Is it word of mouth? Is it that it relates to another book that you liked? How the heck does this happen? Marketing is one way, of course. If you have a publisher that has your book every where you go, odds are that someone is going to read it just because they assume it's good. For an Indie Author, it really is about word of mouth, and reviews. Those reviews can make or break you. (From what I hear??) I only want people to like it... Seriously, that's all. I don't even know why I am worried. What are the odds that anyone will actually even see it once I hit the publish button? I just wanted to write a book, and say "I DID THIS!"
    I think every one has a dream! I just can not believe my dream is coming true soon. Thank you all for reading my crazy randomness.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Funny stuff

 I made this photo for a friend who has a fear of cow's. I just thought it would be funny to share with you all!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


We often find ourselves surrounded by people who are our friends, but you can also find people who claim to be your friend, who really are not.Like a wolf in sheep's clothing! Those people are the one's you should be cautious of.

Sure, they say they are, but when it comes down to it, are they? You all know who I am talking about. These are the people that when thing's are going well for you they are there, but when you need them... they seem to not be. The definition of friend must mean something different to everyone. For me it means someone you share everything with, ups, downs, and quite frequently some laughter. Now, how do we know who are the one's that don't want to really be our friends? That is a complicated answer. We don't. We find out only after the fact. Sometimes, it doesn't matter how hard you try, you have to let that friend go. It hurts, but in the end you find out you are a better person for not being friends with that person anymore. Of course, you miss them.. honestly you may have felt that you would be friends forever, but we all know some of these relationships just do not work out.

You may be asking yourself if I have personally just lost a friend. I have not, in fact, my list seems to be growing..... I am just traveling down memory lane, and felt that some of us need to be reminded of what a true friend is. Be the friend you want to have, and if that doesn't work, then the HELL with it, and move on. Life is to short to be constantly worried that you have done something to said friend. If you are true friends you will laugh, cry, be angry with each other at times, but you will always remain friends because you can not imagine life without them. Cut out the toxic, and be happy!

Monday, June 2, 2014


Anger can cause people to act out in radical ways. Some of us will punch a wall, some will kick and scream, some will yell. Anger can build till you can not hold it inside any longer, and you "explode" on someone. Now, harnessing that anger can actually be good for you. Use the anger you feel inside for someone who has wronged you, and do something positive with it! May be you were told your whole life that you wouldn't amount to anything, well, prove them wrong! Let the anger you have against someone that has "wronged" you turn into something beautiful. You could prove them wrong! You could learn to love yourself. You could learn that they are wrong! That you are worth the fight! You are worth their time, and if they still don't get it, then guess what? They were not meant to be in your life. It could be a parent, a loved one, even a friend.. value yourself, and that is all that truly matters. See, I know what it feels like to be pulled in many directions, and never understanding why me? Well, today, I ask you why not you? These obstacles are put in your way, to see if you are strong enough. Are you? YES! You are worthy of love, friendship, and most of all, you are worthy of being cared about. You are the only person who can turn that anger into something positive. Have it work for you, not you work for it! Are you ready to be amazing?