Tuesday, June 3, 2014


We often find ourselves surrounded by people who are our friends, but you can also find people who claim to be your friend, who really are not.Like a wolf in sheep's clothing! Those people are the one's you should be cautious of.

Sure, they say they are, but when it comes down to it, are they? You all know who I am talking about. These are the people that when thing's are going well for you they are there, but when you need them... they seem to not be. The definition of friend must mean something different to everyone. For me it means someone you share everything with, ups, downs, and quite frequently some laughter. Now, how do we know who are the one's that don't want to really be our friends? That is a complicated answer. We don't. We find out only after the fact. Sometimes, it doesn't matter how hard you try, you have to let that friend go. It hurts, but in the end you find out you are a better person for not being friends with that person anymore. Of course, you miss them.. honestly you may have felt that you would be friends forever, but we all know some of these relationships just do not work out.

You may be asking yourself if I have personally just lost a friend. I have not, in fact, my list seems to be growing..... I am just traveling down memory lane, and felt that some of us need to be reminded of what a true friend is. Be the friend you want to have, and if that doesn't work, then the HELL with it, and move on. Life is to short to be constantly worried that you have done something to said friend. If you are true friends you will laugh, cry, be angry with each other at times, but you will always remain friends because you can not imagine life without them. Cut out the toxic, and be happy!

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