Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Think outside the box

   We all try to think outside the box, but do we really? It can be so hard to step out of our comfort zone.. if it doesn't come easy to our mind's, then we just stay in our little bubbles. 

I think that's why I love to read so much. I like thinking outside of my little "bubble," and feeling apart of another world. We all have read books that we fell in love with that world, and then we have read those books that we think, huh? Well, I wanted to create a world that you could either picture yourself at that time, or take you to a place where you may have been as a young adult. I didn't want it to be normal, though. I wanted a world that you could feel like this could happen. We need, we want to feel emotions. It's what let's us know we are human. 
Today, I found a new song.. that's right.. I have found a new release for us to check out. I, actually stumbled across it by accident. It summed up how I felt this morning.

David Gray- Back in the world 
It's his new release! It was new to me, too! Let's listen to it together, and see what we think. I liked it, how about you? 
Remember to give credit where credit is due! Thanks for reading my thoughts today!!
-Dee King- 

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