Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Day Two...

The newly revised version is for FREE this week only! 
I truly hope that you read it, give me some feedback, and let the adventure begin!

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Where does the time go?

The reflection of one's self is not always the best. When looking back at all that you have accomplished, over came, and then stride for, it can become a little overwhelming. We can see ourselves through others eyes and we can also see who were are through our own. Reflecting back on when this journey started for me, it was one that caused much heartache. There was this story inside of me that I wanted to tell, but never thought it would get real far. My past flowed onto pages and my present life was starting to unfold onto this book. There was never any real doubt that I wouldn't pour my heart and soul into anything I did, I just didn't know if I could. 

Most of the time, I find inspiration in telling others that they can live their dreams, they can accomplish anything they set their hearts to, all the while I live in self-doubt believing that I won't be able to accomplish my own. The first time that I saw one of my books hit the best seller list on Amazon, it was mind blowing. The book was poorly written because I didn't know how to write. (Still not sure I do. Haha.) Yet, people were seeing themselves in these characters that I had made. There's a real truth behind the books. There's a piece of my soul out there, that I never thought anyone would know, yet I wrote it out for the whole world to read. That alone was hard to do. 

When it comes to people reading what I write or just reading my every day nonsense, there's something inside of me that tells me to keep going... Maybe being so hard on myself is what drives me to keep pushing, to do better, to be anything but the person I was. See, we all do bad shit in our lives, and we all have hurt someone somehow some way... I just never understood how hurt I was till the stories came out. The sad part is, half of my family has never read a book I have wrote. (There's 3 currently available.) and some may never read them... That part is what drives me yet keeps me down. You see, there's characters in the book who mimic my family members, my friends, my life, but maybe the real world wrote out in black and white is too hard for them. They don't want to see the woman I became because for some reason they believe that the life they thought I had wasn't what it was. When you start writing out a make believable world with twists and turns, that's exactly what it is. Make believe, but when you feel something from that passion that you bleed out into paper that's where it becomes real. 

Many times, the questions are asked.. Does this character represent someone you know? Did this really happen? In some things the answer is yes, on others no, it's just a story. When I wrote Charming I wanted to tell a love story about a girl who had come from a broken home but love healed her heart... As the story grew so much more came from that. 
Writing this last book for the Charming series is taking a toll on me. Unsure of how it ends, unsure of where the story goes, and will her heart ever truly be whole. My life is wrote into a novel of a beautiful chaotic world... and now I have to find out, what am I truly made of. 

Stay tuned because the best is yet to come. 

This song is going to be on the playlist... because the lyrics ring loud and clear for me. Hope you find that in this journey we are all on, that someone, that something gives you purpose, gives you hope, and above all... GIVES YOU LOVE! 

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Embrace who you are

This song... I can't even tell you how much I am in love with this song. I also won't go into detail on how much I love Coldplay, the Chainsmokers, or MUSE, but none the less... You gotta hear this song. It's going on my playlist for the Charming Series. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. If you feel like dancing to it then you do that! BE YOU!!! (Life isn't always a fairy tale, it's what you make of this life that defines who you are.)

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Empathy and the lack of...

Empathy... Seems to be a word that many people seem to not have or even understand lately.

Everyone is bashing each other, never trying to come to a peaceful place, the more rude you can be seems to be the only way to go now-a-days. Don't even get me started on people pushing their agenda on you, whether it's religion or politics, they don't care as long as you see their side and then agree.

It's not that I'm just now noticing, it just seems to be more out in the open lately. Everyone seems to be out for number one, and the hell with others. This is something I just don't understand. Sure, we all have our own opinions, sure, we all have our own thoughts, but sometimes, we shouldn't voice them to every single person on the internet.
(Believe me I know the back lash that sentence could receive...)
Get a grasp people, on reality, the world doesn't just revolve around you and your opinions.

Take this morning for instance, scrolling through my social media, finding a story from a news channel, I decide to read it. After reading the article, I decide to read the comments. WOW! People were bashing each other for race, gender, their beliefs and it was literally one of the moments I thought... When is it enough?

Everyone complains, everyone seems to hate others who aren't like them, and better yet, if you're not like them, by all means please bully the shit out of them, because you feel the need to be superior. Are you serious with this nonsense? It's not just strangers, it's people I know, too. The politics of our government have become such a strain on relationships and friendships that it seems to be pulling people apart. How sad is that? If you don't agree with what they think, then for whatever reason, you're the stupid one? It just seems to be so much HATE lately. There used to be times where people would agree to disagree... I hardly ever see that anymore.

Another example I find more and more is the fact if you can't do something for someone else then they don't have a need for you. It seems to be very popular to have multiple "followers" or "friends" but in reality... No one cares about those people unless they meet or know them. (If we are keeping this even more real, people will "friend" you, and in public avoid you like they don't know you. WTH?) Hell, I'm even guilty of doing that with others at times. For me, I know why they "friend" me, and it's not because of this winning personalty I have. (Hahaha.. it's all because of my name having author in it, and that's ridiculous.) I actually enjoy getting to know people, I have made some wonderful "internet" friends and am very lucky to have those relationships. BUT there is something about people being able to share their opinion and then it turns out that's not what people want... They want your opinion to match theirs, if not... You're OUT!

It used to be that we welcomed each others differences, now there's some kind of me, me, me, mentality and the hell with others. That saddens me to no end. I believe that everyone is unique but you didn't have to be an asshole about it to get your point across. You also don't have to just worry about your self all the time, trying caring about others too. Why is this concept so damn hard for people?

Maybe, I'm getting to the point where I'm becoming immune to the world we live in. Maybe there's some part of me that just wishes everyone would just try to get along... But that's not a world I know. That's not the world anyone knows anymore. Why has everyone become so self absorbed? Of course you should care about you and yours, but why not care about others too? There's a part of me that now sees that caring for others is becoming pointless, because they don't care as much as I do.
Why put your heart out there if no one else is going to do the same for you? This is the mentality of what I see. Damn, just writing that sentence is freaking sad.

Don't get me wrong, people care, people want to care, but it seems very hard to show that these days. Maybe I'm just becoming more aware of how much I care and how much I wish everyone could at least agree to disagree. Or maybe they could show it more? But that seems like a far fetched idea as of today. Between the politics, the drama of others lives, and the point to be always right, seems to outweigh the good people want to do. Everyone's looking for that "pat on the back" so to speak, and that angers me more than anything at times. You should care, because you should be trying to be a good person, not because you need people to praise you. Pull it together people! In these times, shouldn't we care about everyone no matter what race, sex, political position, they have? Nope... people don't want that here. They want to be the bullies, they want to blame everything on someone else, and god forbid anyone to speak up about it, because the amount of "hate" you will get back is beyond ridiculous.

This post isn't about the fact that people can't get along, it's about people not caring for others anymore. Back to the article I read this morning, people blamed someone just for where they believed they were from... Then someone brought up the gun control issue and that person was bashed by others for writing their opinion. Why even say anything anymore when people have this need to always be right? Where do you draw the line and say enough is enough? Do you stand up for yourself and say that you have had enough or do you just keep sitting back biting your tongue? That's where I'm at with this today... In my books, the heroine is always fighting for what she believes and how she wants to change the world for the better even if she doesn't know how. Even though I write fiction, there's some piece of me in these characters. IN a perfect world, everyone would at least try to care for one another regardless of who, where, how you came to be here... But for now.. I will just share my thoughts here, because in the end... We can only do so much till we can't anymore.... 

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

This was the funniest thing I have seen in a while

I love Melissa McCarthy and this totally cracked me up! Honestly this stuff is great for writing! Can't make this up! ENJOY! 

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Positive Reactions

It's always worth it... Just be positive and try to push that onto the world, it's all we can do. Remember who you are and where you want to be!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Let's get real

Alright, I know that what I'm about to say is very controversial in our country right now, (United States of America) but can we just talk about the giant elephant in the room? Or shall I call it the "cheeto in the big white house?"

There was no way I ever thought that the man who became president would become president. Seriously, I just didn't. It wasn't that my views are entirely different than his, it was the words that came out of his mouth. Honestly, it was like a joke that he was even running. Then when he won, it was like I lived in the Twilight Zone. Now, I'm sure many can say great things about him, but for me... There was no way that was going to happen. I understand that people were anti-establishment and that he was exactly that... BUT when do you get to draw the line on what the man stands for?

Again, at this point (during the debates) I was thinking this wasn't going to happen and that our country was somehow not going to vote for this man to be president... Boy, was I ever wrong. The reason that I'm even discussing this is the fact that for whatever reason it still feels like we are living in the Twilight Zone. Come on, this just can't be real is the thoughts that go through my mind every time I see or hear anything about our new president.

When I started writing a new book, (not the Charming Series) it's a dystopian novel and I felt like what would happen if he won. Now, the book doesn't seem so far fetched but more like a freaking nightmare.

How in the hell do you make fun of others, tell a country your going to build a wall, and yet make everyone believe you aren't the devil dressed in a three piece suit? This blows my mind. Like I said before I understand the whole anti-establishment part because let's face it, the government is quite shady, but this guy? WOW!

As a woman, I find it hard to even stay friends with some of my women friends for the fact that they voted for a man who believes that he can grab a female by her vagina and that's okay, because he is a man? Are you effing kidding me? Whether this was "locker room" talk or whatever the hell they want to call it, it's absurd to think women said, "Yes, he's the guy I'd vote for." Let's not even discuss the fact of him making fun of others, even with disabilities, and then laughing about it and people were still like, Yes, I'm voting for him? What in the.... Okay, so we move past that and now he is still saying the same shit he did, and people are still saying that this is what they wanted. How? I have yet to see anything that will make him this great President? The man wants to build a damn wall to keep out our neighboring countries? Why? Because they come here to have a better life?

I'm sorry, was everyone not in history class when the British came over here and decided to make this their country to get away from their King's rule?

Did everyone forget that they are all immigrants to this country and the only real "American" is the Natives who lived here long before we did? Oh, what about the fact that many presidents killed them, fought against them, and pushed their agenda on them? That's what makes you an American? I never once thought that. Don't get me wrong, I love my country, and I love our soldiers, but to forget how we all became Americans is wrong in my eyes. You see, most of our families came here for a better life. Isn't that what was so great our country?

We are the ones that said, give me your tired, your weak... And yet, now people say NO, send them back. What if we just start sending everyone back because your bloodline proves you aren't an American, you are from England or your from Ireland.

No, we don't have to like all the corrupt shit that happens in this country, and no we don't have to pay these people for coming over.. Why don't we stop doing that? No, because we still want people to come to our land, our home, and do business and make us money etc.. I mean doesn't this all come down to one thing? The almighty dollar bill? I quite frankly can't see how this is going to end well, but I welcome the idea of being proven wrong. I really do.

I guess for right now I still have my freedoms, but will that change too? Who knows... Maybe the people that voted for him, can tell me why he's so great and why he has done and said the things he did and yet you feel he was the one that would be the leader for our (already) great country?

I could go on all day about this, but I won't... You see, I fall somewhere in the lines of being a "nasty woman" and someone with a little bit more of a liberal background than the people I'm surrounded by. That's okay, because when it all comes down to it... Don't we all just want to get along?

Peace- Dee

Monday, January 23, 2017

Bruno Mars - 24K Magic [Official Video]

This song is the second song on the playlist for the final Charming Series book. I just like the vibe.. LOL

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Discussion of the day

Today we venture into the world of books and movies. When you take from aspects of a movie or book and it inspires you, that's when you know it was good. One of my favorite past times is to watch movies or cuddle up with a book. If you ever drop by my house on any given weekend past three in the afternoon, you will find me doing one of the two. (Saturday is my day off from the world most weeks.)

As you watch a movie or read a book, if it's good, you start to fall in love with characters and you also hate others. It's what drives you to want to finish the book or movie. That being said, movies have a way to draw you in because you can visually go to that world. With a book, your mind starts making them appear how you "see" them and that world. It's a fun place to be either way. Often the real world is a little chaotic and you want to take a break from all the outside noise.

Not too long ago, we watched a movie called Fury. It stars Brad Pitt and many others. The movie takes you back in time to World War Two when the American's fought the Germans. It's not a movie for the faint of heart, I'm not going to lie. It's a great movie and helps you see WAR from a different perspective. When I watch movies like this it always makes me be thankful for the life I have and thankful for the men and women who fight every day for me to live this life I live. I often can't imagine what it's like in a WAR type situation and honestly I don't know if I would have the courage they portray.

The reason I bring up the subject of the war type movies is that while I'm writing this final book in the Charming Series, I need input and a massive amount of research. I can picture things happening in my mind, but often it helps to be able to visually see it to describe something better. There is many movies on the subject of war and sometimes a little romance is even thrown in there. We can all take from aspects of life and put them into books. That's how it works. We use our lives as a platform and then we take from different avenues in our lives and apply them to our work. Often when writing I find that it can be a great way to release all of my inner demons and yet also bring a world I would want to live in.

Today, I just wanted to take a moment to thank all the people who are involved in movies, writing books that we love, and helping us get lost for a while from reality. Thank you!
If you haven't seen the movie Fury and you're looking for something to make you cry and yet find a passion for others, then this is the WAR movie for you!

Peace, Love and All that Jazz- Dee

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Nobody comes with a rule book

As I mentioned yesterday, I talk about everything on this blog. Not just books or music, but everything in between. Today, I'm going to discuss being a parent. That's right, the subject of being a Mom.

Nobody ever says the good, the bad, and the ugly of parenthood. I think people who don't have children often see other kids and think "Awe, aren't they cute?" This is the phrase that's said about a hundred times when the children are young. As the child gets older, everyone then says.. "They are just growing up too fast!" These have to be the two most common phrases said to every mother every where. What you don't see is all the in-between. That child you just told was so cute, might have just stopped screaming in the store because the mother finally gave in for the child to hold that toy the kid was screaming about, or the "growing up so fast" comment comes from when the mother finally gets the child to actually look at the camera and after the fifth shot, she gives up and finally just picks one to share.

There's probably over a thousand self-help books out there on raising a child, anywhere from what to expect when you're expecting to what to except their first year. Then after that you can find books on behavior issues, growing, you name it books, they are out there. Nobody can tell you how to raise your child though, this comes from what I would like to call trial and error. That's right, you try and you have an error so you keep trying other things. As the children grow older you find yourself thinking, how did we get here, and hey, they are still alive, so that's a bonus in the win column.

Every day there is going to be a struggle some harder than others. This can range from an argument over telling your child to please get their shoes on for over thirty minutes as they refuse to look for them, or from a complete meltdown because they can't get their hair just right. Being a parent is literally the hardest and best job I've ever had. Even with all the arguments, the hugs make up for that every single day. There is times where I think, "Oh my god, I didn't even know what I'm doing?" To days where I feel I have it all going on. But the point of all this is, it's life. I am a firm believer in fate and that our lives are often a journey and we make it what we want. This is the life I have chosen. My children will grow up one day and I know that I will look back and think... How did this happen? I also look forward to the day where my children are adults and I can see how they are making their way through this journey we call life.

My children and my past as a child is what drove me to write the books I write. There was a way for me to tell them my story as a kid who grew up and became their mother, but also show them that you can do anything in this life. Hopefully, I'm raising my daughters to see that sometimes from the bad can be good, and we can turn every day into a a new beginning. We have to find the balance of the good and evil within us. It may always be a battle, but I believe the good will always win. You may be struggling as a parent, and believe me, I go through that on a weekly basis, and you may even be wondering, "Am I doing this right?" and the answer is... Who knows? You just have to raise your children how you see fit and hope they turn out to be someone that they can love. That's what life is about... Loving and living life... Loving Life. On this day, I write this message because I do struggle from day to day on questioning my parenting skills... and all I know is that I'm just trying to raise them the best I can. That's all I can do. That's honestly the only thing anyone can do.

So remember this... Your story is what you make it. Will you be the one who rises to the top or let the world destroy the good in you?

-Dee King

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Back in the groove

After taking so much time off from blogging it's time to get back to it. When you have to write a book, social media, and try to run a household it can be time consuming. I let the blogging fall to the wayside. That probably wasn't a smart idea, but none the less it was something I had to give up for a while.

That being said, I'm starting this new year off with a great mentality and wanting to move forward. This blog is where I discuss every thing. Literally. Not just about the books, but life in general. Today we shall talk about one of my favorite subjects. Music. (Didn't shock ya, did I? Haha.)
When I write I listen to music, when I sit at my desk, I listen to music, when I do anything.. I listen to music. That's a lot of listening to music. In our house, we listen to music constantly. It's something that runs in our blood you could say. From the time I was a young child, I sang in front of people. (That doesn't happen now, but I will burst out into random song for no reason. That's always fun with the kids.They don't think so, but it makes me happy.) Then I did choir for many years... So music is just something I do you could say. On this blog, I've promoted many bands, many Indie bands, and music that people don't know very well. It's something I have prided myself in, due to the fact, that I'm an indie author.

While that all being said, it's hard sometimes to find a song that goes along with the books. The playlists take a lot of time to make too. I'm always looking for songs to describe what's happening in each chapter whether happy or sad or often angry with a splash of dark. The last book in the Charming Series is going to be one that I have avoided writing, but now look forward to.
When my ideas became a reality (to publish a book) honestly, I never thought how the books would end. Somewhere inside of me I just knew that it would. Today, I go back into what I call "writing mode." This means, I try to tune the world out, and focus. (That's easier said than done if you want the truth.)

There's a band that I fell in love with some time back... They've been mentioned here before, but they have a new EP out that worked so well for the start of the book, that I asked if I could use it. (They said Yes, and I was like a kid in a candy store. Haha.)

This song is the lyric video, and hopefully it gives some insight into how maybe the book will start. It's time to close the chapter (I like puns, what can I say? LOL) on the Charming Series. Here we go! One last ride and it's going to be hell, but some way, some how, it's going to come to an end...

Without further ado, I give you the first song on the playlist of the final book in the Charming Series.

RUN WITH IT- As always if you love the song or like the band please give them a like or share or a follow.
Thank you for letting me talk all my nonsense.
Have a great one!

Peace, Love, and All that Jazz- Dee King

Monday, January 9, 2017

With these words...

As an indie author you learn a lot along the way of your journey. What works, what doesn't, what others think and like, the list is forever long. I've learned quite a bit as my journey continues into the book world, but even though I have learned, I still fail at times. No one is ever going to be perfect, that's clearly an understatement for me, but I keep pushing forward.

The new Charming Selene hit the world like a storm. It was shocking and exciting to see how many people fell in love with this book. (I can't thank everyone enough for taking the time out to buy it! Thank you, thank you, thank you!) As an author there's parts of me in the books that come close to drawing from my own personal experiences and a thick line between what is real and what is fake. With the Charming Series, it's taking from my life and put into a world of make believe. For each character you write, you do an entire back story of them. That story may never get told, but none the less you know who they are and where they came from. That's the part I love. Giving a life to someone who may or may not play a big role is always exciting for me. That doesn't mean that I don't love each character, it just means that each one has a role and serves a purpose for a time.

While writing Selene's point of view (re-doing the first book) it was an awkward place for me. I had moved on from her and had wrote the second book from Sebastian's point of view, and going back to her, was more difficult than I had thought it would be. Selene is many parts of myself. From the sarcastic girl, to the nervous girl, to the girl who doesn't care about anything... These are all parts of my life and my soul. Sometimes when writing you go to a place you haven't had to go to, to let out parts of you through words... That's just what happens when I write. People say that you can't be "all these things" but in reality, aren't we? We are all complicated, interesting, and deep down loving people who just want to make a difference in our world. Not the whole world, but in our own worlds. We want to be ourselves, we want to be heard, and we want to be loved. It depends on who you are and where you're at in your life as to what and who the character becomes. That's the fun part.

As I begin to write the last part of the Charming Series, I find myself at odds. How does it end? What happens to the characters I have made in this story, and above all else, does it end with a happily ever after? Life isn't always a fairy tale, so do you go based off of that or do you go based off what you would want to happen in your life? It becomes a battle of where do you see yourself or better yet where do you see your character in the future. I guess as I write this final book, we will see how it plays out... But I am so excited to see where it leads.
This is a new YEAR and a NEW positive ME has emerged. It's time to let the past be the past and look forward. I hope all of you will join me on this journey...

Peace, Love, and all that Jazz- Dee King