Empathy... Seems to be a word that many people seem to not have or even understand lately.
Everyone is bashing each other, never trying to come to a peaceful place, the more rude you can be seems to be the only way to go now-a-days. Don't even get me started on people pushing their agenda on you, whether it's religion or politics, they don't care as long as you see their side and then agree.
It's not that I'm just now noticing, it just seems to be more out in the open lately. Everyone seems to be out for number one, and the hell with others. This is something I just don't understand. Sure, we all have our own opinions, sure, we all have our own thoughts, but sometimes, we shouldn't voice them to every single person on the internet.
(Believe me I know the back lash that sentence could receive...)
Get a grasp people, on reality, the world doesn't just revolve around you and your opinions.
Take this morning for instance, scrolling through my social media, finding a story from a news channel, I decide to read it. After reading the article, I decide to read the comments. WOW! People were bashing each other for race, gender, their beliefs and it was literally one of the moments I thought... When is it enough?
Everyone complains, everyone seems to hate others who aren't like them, and better yet, if you're not like them, by all means please bully the shit out of them, because you feel the need to be superior. Are you serious with this nonsense? It's not just strangers, it's people I know, too. The politics of our government have become such a strain on relationships and friendships that it seems to be pulling people apart. How sad is that? If you don't agree with what they think, then for whatever reason, you're the stupid one? It just seems to be so much HATE lately. There used to be times where people would agree to disagree... I hardly ever see that anymore.
Another example I find more and more is the fact if you can't do something for someone else then they don't have a need for you. It seems to be very popular to have multiple "followers" or "friends" but in reality... No one cares about those people unless they meet or know them. (If we are keeping this even more real, people will "friend" you, and in public avoid you like they don't know you. WTH?) Hell, I'm even guilty of doing that with others at times. For me, I know why they "friend" me, and it's not because of this winning personalty I have. (Hahaha.. it's all because of my name having author in it, and that's ridiculous.) I actually enjoy getting to know people, I have made some wonderful "internet" friends and am very lucky to have those relationships. BUT there is something about people being able to share their opinion and then it turns out that's not what people want... They want your opinion to match theirs, if not... You're OUT!
It used to be that we welcomed each others differences, now there's some kind of me, me, me, mentality and the hell with others. That saddens me to no end. I believe that everyone is unique but you didn't have to be an asshole about it to get your point across. You also don't have to just worry about your self all the time, trying caring about others too. Why is this concept so damn hard for people?
Maybe, I'm getting to the point where I'm becoming immune to the world we live in. Maybe there's some part of me that just wishes everyone would just try to get along... But that's not a world I know. That's not the world anyone knows anymore. Why has everyone become so self absorbed? Of course you should care about you and yours, but why not care about others too? There's a part of me that now sees that caring for others is becoming pointless, because they don't care as much as I do.
Why put your heart out there if no one else is going to do the same for you? This is the mentality of what I see. Damn, just writing that sentence is freaking sad.
Don't get me wrong, people care, people want to care, but it seems very hard to show that these days. Maybe I'm just becoming more aware of how much I care and how much I wish everyone could at least agree to disagree. Or maybe they could show it more? But that seems like a far fetched idea as of today. Between the politics, the drama of others lives, and the point to be always right, seems to outweigh the good people want to do. Everyone's looking for that "pat on the back" so to speak, and that angers me more than anything at times. You should care, because you should be trying to be a good person, not because you need people to praise you. Pull it together people! In these times, shouldn't we care about everyone no matter what race, sex, political position, they have? Nope... people don't want that here. They want to be the bullies, they want to blame everything on someone else, and god forbid anyone to speak up about it, because the amount of "hate" you will get back is beyond ridiculous.
This post isn't about the fact that people can't get along, it's about people not caring for others anymore. Back to the article I read this morning, people blamed someone just for where they believed they were from... Then someone brought up the gun control issue and that person was bashed by others for writing their opinion. Why even say anything anymore when people have this need to always be right? Where do you draw the line and say enough is enough? Do you stand up for yourself and say that you have had enough or do you just keep sitting back biting your tongue? That's where I'm at with this today... In my books, the heroine is always fighting for what she believes and how she wants to change the world for the better even if she doesn't know how. Even though I write fiction, there's some piece of me in these characters. IN a perfect world, everyone would at least try to care for one another regardless of who, where, how you came to be here... But for now.. I will just share my thoughts here, because in the end... We can only do so much till we can't anymore....
Everyone is bashing each other, never trying to come to a peaceful place, the more rude you can be seems to be the only way to go now-a-days. Don't even get me started on people pushing their agenda on you, whether it's religion or politics, they don't care as long as you see their side and then agree.
It's not that I'm just now noticing, it just seems to be more out in the open lately. Everyone seems to be out for number one, and the hell with others. This is something I just don't understand. Sure, we all have our own opinions, sure, we all have our own thoughts, but sometimes, we shouldn't voice them to every single person on the internet.
(Believe me I know the back lash that sentence could receive...)
Get a grasp people, on reality, the world doesn't just revolve around you and your opinions.
Take this morning for instance, scrolling through my social media, finding a story from a news channel, I decide to read it. After reading the article, I decide to read the comments. WOW! People were bashing each other for race, gender, their beliefs and it was literally one of the moments I thought... When is it enough?
Everyone complains, everyone seems to hate others who aren't like them, and better yet, if you're not like them, by all means please bully the shit out of them, because you feel the need to be superior. Are you serious with this nonsense? It's not just strangers, it's people I know, too. The politics of our government have become such a strain on relationships and friendships that it seems to be pulling people apart. How sad is that? If you don't agree with what they think, then for whatever reason, you're the stupid one? It just seems to be so much HATE lately. There used to be times where people would agree to disagree... I hardly ever see that anymore.
Another example I find more and more is the fact if you can't do something for someone else then they don't have a need for you. It seems to be very popular to have multiple "followers" or "friends" but in reality... No one cares about those people unless they meet or know them. (If we are keeping this even more real, people will "friend" you, and in public avoid you like they don't know you. WTH?) Hell, I'm even guilty of doing that with others at times. For me, I know why they "friend" me, and it's not because of this winning personalty I have. (Hahaha.. it's all because of my name having author in it, and that's ridiculous.) I actually enjoy getting to know people, I have made some wonderful "internet" friends and am very lucky to have those relationships. BUT there is something about people being able to share their opinion and then it turns out that's not what people want... They want your opinion to match theirs, if not... You're OUT!
It used to be that we welcomed each others differences, now there's some kind of me, me, me, mentality and the hell with others. That saddens me to no end. I believe that everyone is unique but you didn't have to be an asshole about it to get your point across. You also don't have to just worry about your self all the time, trying caring about others too. Why is this concept so damn hard for people?
Maybe, I'm getting to the point where I'm becoming immune to the world we live in. Maybe there's some part of me that just wishes everyone would just try to get along... But that's not a world I know. That's not the world anyone knows anymore. Why has everyone become so self absorbed? Of course you should care about you and yours, but why not care about others too? There's a part of me that now sees that caring for others is becoming pointless, because they don't care as much as I do.
Why put your heart out there if no one else is going to do the same for you? This is the mentality of what I see. Damn, just writing that sentence is freaking sad.
Don't get me wrong, people care, people want to care, but it seems very hard to show that these days. Maybe I'm just becoming more aware of how much I care and how much I wish everyone could at least agree to disagree. Or maybe they could show it more? But that seems like a far fetched idea as of today. Between the politics, the drama of others lives, and the point to be always right, seems to outweigh the good people want to do. Everyone's looking for that "pat on the back" so to speak, and that angers me more than anything at times. You should care, because you should be trying to be a good person, not because you need people to praise you. Pull it together people! In these times, shouldn't we care about everyone no matter what race, sex, political position, they have? Nope... people don't want that here. They want to be the bullies, they want to blame everything on someone else, and god forbid anyone to speak up about it, because the amount of "hate" you will get back is beyond ridiculous.
This post isn't about the fact that people can't get along, it's about people not caring for others anymore. Back to the article I read this morning, people blamed someone just for where they believed they were from... Then someone brought up the gun control issue and that person was bashed by others for writing their opinion. Why even say anything anymore when people have this need to always be right? Where do you draw the line and say enough is enough? Do you stand up for yourself and say that you have had enough or do you just keep sitting back biting your tongue? That's where I'm at with this today... In my books, the heroine is always fighting for what she believes and how she wants to change the world for the better even if she doesn't know how. Even though I write fiction, there's some piece of me in these characters. IN a perfect world, everyone would at least try to care for one another regardless of who, where, how you came to be here... But for now.. I will just share my thoughts here, because in the end... We can only do so much till we can't anymore....
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