Friday, February 27, 2015

Everyone needs a little Friday fun

This was just funny. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and you get some sunshine filled days. I know that's probably not the case if you live where I do, due to the fact we are expecting SNOW, but a girl can dream right?

Happy Friday, Happy weekend, and whatever you do try and have some fun!


Thursday, February 26, 2015

Days like today..

             Days like today where the sun is shining and you feel everything is right with the world, till you step out and realize that it's too flipping cold to enjoy the sun.

Days like today make you want to stay cuddled up in a blanket, laying around, reading a good book, or catching up on your favorite shows.

Days like today, make me happy that I woke up, just to see another sunrise, another sunburst through my curtains.

Days like today, make you question whether it is better to stay indoors, or brace the cold hard truth, that's it too freaking cold to be outside.

Days like today make me glad that I have you.

How true this is! 

Yesterday, I wrote about how love can be seen and felt in many ways. Sometimes, once in a while, we do find that fairy tale love that walks right into our lives.
On days like today, I am reminded of that love I have in my heart for so many. I see the sun shining, I can feel the heat of it as I stare blankly out the window..

We all feel the need sometimes to take a break from reality. Take a moment just for ourselves, whether that's enjoying the sun, snow, and ice, or whether that's you and your favorite blanket making up for old times.

In this life, on days like today, think about your ordinary life, and how it may become more a fairy tale if you opened your heart.

Let love in. Let the SUN shine on your face, and let the world see that you deserve the fairy tale you have always dreamed of.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Playlist day!

If you haven't seen 50 Shades of Grey, then you may not know this song.
If you haven't listened to the radio (on pop stations) you may not have heard this song.
BUT, if you are one of the hundreds that did see the film, you may recognize the song.

I chose this song for many reasons. One reason is that I thought the song fit into the newest book, Enchanted Legacy, at a particular part. The words he uses to speak of his love for a woman he is in love with, worked out well.

The second reason is that I wanted a song, that was about love, but also broken love. A love that could be found out of something that you thought couldn't happen. Love finds it's way into our hearts when we aren't looking. We find love and then we lose love.. Sometimes,  you find love in the oddest places, but we all search for love, it's finding it, and keeping it is the secret. We may be broken vessels at times, but we all earn for love. You may not earn for the sappy love story kind of love, but everyone searches for love. 

If you are lucky in love then you are lucky enough, is a common quote, I adore.

I find this to be true. Love comes in all shapes and sizes. Love sees no color, no sexual preference, no bias, just pure from the heart, love. Love can be merciless, love can be hard, torn apart, shred you into pieces, and yet hold you to the highest standards that you want, and need. 

In 50 Shades of Grey, the books were about love, but in a twisted way. She, Ana, in the book, wanted pure happy love, Christian, didn't know how to love like she wanted. HE wanted her as a possession not as a lover, per say. She wanted to teach him how to love, and he didn't want to learn. The story changes through the books, and his love becomes more possession than the sappy kind of love. In the end though, they learn from one another, and learn how to make their love work. Everyone needs love, just how you use love is what separates us from one another. If you know someone loves you, but you don't feel the same, then you should let them go. Whether that causes pain at the moment, is better than causing pain in the long road. Fifty Shades was a book, that was most definitely geared for adults. I thought the trilogy was very good, but not the best written book I had read. She was repeating the same phrases numerous times, but in the end, you find that you get over that. Well, at least, I did. 

Today, the song may have been used for a film, that had to deal with very different circumstances than in my upcoming release, Enchanted Legacy, but the song fit. Find your love, find your peace, and LIVE for today. Not for tomorrow. If you are in a relationship, and you think it may not be working for you, then let it go. Let your life, your heart, be free, to enjoy love how it should be. You can't change people, but you can change how you feel and how you should be treated. Find love in your heart, and whatever and whomever that may be, I hope you find that peace with the one you love.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Monday, not a FUN day..

 Hi there.. It's Monday here, and it's freezing cold.. That's an understatement. I shall try and proceed with having a good day, anyways. What about you? You enjoying the weather in your neck of the woods? Well, to share on this chilly day, I have a photo to hopefully warm you right up.

Friday, February 20, 2015


Today is Friday, but let's do a throwback pic shall we?

From my first book I published, which is a small series. Meet Selene, the half goddess, half mortal child of Posedion. The god of the Seas. She doesn't know just how powerful she will become in the second book. Charmed Destiny. I am telling all, and telling you the name of the next book. Stay tuned... Charmed Destiny, is not going to be what you expected!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Don't miss this!

Sneaky, sneaky..

              For the first time I didn't tell anyone what I was doing. I had wanted a change, but then I didn't. I wanted the cover for Enchanted Legacy to be awesome. Which, I loved the cover of at first. As time grew closer for me to really put forth the effort into publishing the next book, the cover haunted me. So many problems with the first one, that I was scared. I printed the cover out just to see what it looked like, in my own hands, and it fell short for me. I tried to find the person who had originally made the picture, but to no avail. Then you get caught up with the fact of being sued for not giving credit to the photographer or person who made the picture. (Somewhere I had wrote down all this information, and now it is gone.) I searched the internet for what seemed to be days, but then I gave up. I wasn't loving the cover anymore anyways, so why not make a new one. (This task is harder than it seems. Kudos to photographers and graphic designers! You are AWESOME!) Anyhow, that lead me to the past couple of days. Searching, and searching for what could I possibly do with the cover now. I had wanted the cover to say so many things, but then again, not give away the story. I kept going back to a picture of a girl. Not a model, just a girl. She had beautiful eyes, and I felt like she captured what Bridget (main character) was about to go through. This story has been a great one to write. I found myself writing about characters whom I grew to love. For one, I loved writing Van. He is my gay character. I know. I took a big step into a world, I don't really know, but I loved him. I enjoyed telling my side of Romeo and Juliet. A tragic love story that NEVER ended the way anyone wanted it to end. I wanted to tell a paranormal, dark, romantic story, with love for all. A story about believing in one self. That's the hope with this book. It's time for me to reveal the final cover. No more mind changing ideas, just me and you checking out the new book. What's the big deal, right?

Alright, so without further ado, I give you the new COVER for Enchanted Legacy.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Dangerous Lyric Video (Here is the video)

Good Day, good day.

           Today is playlist Wednesday. I know what your thinking.. What crazy song did she chose today? Well, today I chose Big Data's Dangerous. I found this song intriguing with some of the words used, and I felt like it went with Enchanted Legacy. I am working hard on trying to get a new cover for the book, too. Yes, the original had complications, so here I am trying to find that perfect image to describe the new book. It's really quite a task. You would think that this would be easy, but I find that it's not. I will have one soon, though. Okay, well, without further ado, I give you the lyric video to Dangerous. (The video for the song, can be a little much for some folks, so I went with the lyrics instead today.)

                      Hope you enjoy! Talk to you all soon! Dee King

Friday, February 13, 2015

Florence + The Machine - What Kind Of Man

  My favorite artist is at again!

The video is a little something short of amazing! Damn! She killed it on this new single!

Friday the 13th

For all my lady followers, this is for you.
I hope you have a wonderful Friday! 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Goo Goo Dolls - "Iris" [Official Music Video] Playlist Wednesday

 Today's song is a throw back to the ERA of the 90s. This song fits into the book, Enchanted Legacy, nicely. I hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Good Day..

            Sorry for not being around, it seems I have caught a cold. I am not exactly sure why we say we have caught something, when in fact, I did not actually catch it. None the less, I have been sick, which makes me not be able to think of such randomness I could share with you all. Have no fear though, I am feeling better.. So, now your stuck with my corky old self.

I had been trying to think of what I would share with you all today. Would it be about the weather, because that's changing constantly, would it be about a movie I had seen, or would it be about books. The list becomes long when I let my mind run rapid. (Which I may need to tone that down some.) Either way, I found myself just thinking about who cares. Who cares about the damn weather. We all know it's winter time, and unless you live in California or Florida, you probably know the forecast. Cold. Movie wise, there is so many that I recently watched that has me wanting to spill about all of them, but then I think, who cares about that, today.

Now, your wondering, what in the world is she rambling about. Get on with it. Well.. I thought I would tell you all that I think change is good. I took a big leap yesterday and this past week on trying to better myself. Finding the happy in myself, and finding the happy that I can share with others. I feel like we are always trying to sell ourselves in some sort of way, but do we look at who we truly are in the inside? We can share five hundred things about ourselves, but in reality do we just share what we want people to see.

The fake us? The people we think we have to be?

I thought of this, as I decided to post about the subject. I always share what I think you want to hear, then at times that fails. What I want to share is me. Share the ups and downs of real life.
I am a real person, and this is just me being me. I have been honored to see how many people read my crazy words. I never want to think that someone took the time out to hear me, but I didn't even pay attention.
Well, I do.
I pay attention. I see you on my facebook, my twitter, my blog. I watch and feel giddy as I see that you have read what I have said. You make me a better person. This blog post is about me telling you that I have a new lease on life, and that you have made that happen.

Thank you for reading my crazy thoughts, for wanting to read my next book, Enchanted Legacy, and trying to listen to all the songs I post for the playlist. I couldn't do this without you.

      -Always and Forever- Dee King

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Two movies, and a video

             This past weekend I watched quite a few movies. This is my opinion on just two of them.
             Shall we begin?

            The first movie would be Fury. The movie with Brad Pitt, about the tankers jobs in WWII.
            This movie was violent, but very real. It showed WAR times as they truly are. To know that during the times of WAR how hard people fight for their countries. It was a true beauty to see their compassion for one another. Throughout the movie, it's either kill or be killed. Let me tell you, I cried. Not once, not twice, but three times. This movie captured everything about war, about real people fighting for a cause they may have not been for, but are there to do a job. It was and is a movie I would tell anyone to see. It was truly a beautiful disaster in all honesty. Brad Pitt gave an exceptional performance, but so did they all. If you have been wondering if you should see this film, wonder no longer. You SHOULD!

The next movie is The Normal Heart. It was a movie on HBO. I have spoke about this film before, but I had not yet had the pleasure of seeing it. This movie really is in your face. It shows how love can be love, and how it can also cause chaos. A time when the world had no clue what AIDS was. One man started a fight that many are still fighting. The movie may be about gay men finding out that they had a disease that seemed to only be effecting them, but it was much more than that. I had no idea how hard these men had to fight, and without them, we still may be clueless as to what this deadly disease can do to millions. If you have ever had relations with someone, you should see this movie. Knowing and understand how the H.I.V. virus spreads, and how AIDS can claim anyone is the importance of this movie. The actors in this film went above and beyond my wildest thoughts a HBO movie could do. I truly hope that everyone sees this movie. It's an amazing true story of a love, lives taken, and finding a cure. 

Now, I know this is quite a bit in one blog post, but bare with me. Today is playlist Wednesday, and I have a song I would like to share. This song captured my thoughts toward the end of the book. It's beautiful, sad, and reminds me how you can set fire to the rain. I chose Adele's, Set Fire to the Rain, because I felt like this song says something about love. How you can feel, how you can grieve from love, and yet feel the beautiful tragedy of it. 
Without further ado, I give you Adele. 

Monday, February 2, 2015

Groundhog Day

                             Groundhog Day Funnies

Game of Thrones. 
I found this to be funny.

If you haven't seen the movie, Groundhog Day, this was classic.

This is all in good fun. We know that a groundhog can't literally predict the weather, but it's fun still at times to see his little face. I hope that old man winter doesn't listen to the groundhog though.
Have a wonderful Groundhog Day.