Thursday, February 19, 2015

Sneaky, sneaky..

              For the first time I didn't tell anyone what I was doing. I had wanted a change, but then I didn't. I wanted the cover for Enchanted Legacy to be awesome. Which, I loved the cover of at first. As time grew closer for me to really put forth the effort into publishing the next book, the cover haunted me. So many problems with the first one, that I was scared. I printed the cover out just to see what it looked like, in my own hands, and it fell short for me. I tried to find the person who had originally made the picture, but to no avail. Then you get caught up with the fact of being sued for not giving credit to the photographer or person who made the picture. (Somewhere I had wrote down all this information, and now it is gone.) I searched the internet for what seemed to be days, but then I gave up. I wasn't loving the cover anymore anyways, so why not make a new one. (This task is harder than it seems. Kudos to photographers and graphic designers! You are AWESOME!) Anyhow, that lead me to the past couple of days. Searching, and searching for what could I possibly do with the cover now. I had wanted the cover to say so many things, but then again, not give away the story. I kept going back to a picture of a girl. Not a model, just a girl. She had beautiful eyes, and I felt like she captured what Bridget (main character) was about to go through. This story has been a great one to write. I found myself writing about characters whom I grew to love. For one, I loved writing Van. He is my gay character. I know. I took a big step into a world, I don't really know, but I loved him. I enjoyed telling my side of Romeo and Juliet. A tragic love story that NEVER ended the way anyone wanted it to end. I wanted to tell a paranormal, dark, romantic story, with love for all. A story about believing in one self. That's the hope with this book. It's time for me to reveal the final cover. No more mind changing ideas, just me and you checking out the new book. What's the big deal, right?

Alright, so without further ado, I give you the new COVER for Enchanted Legacy.

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