Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Hey, Hey, Hey!

It's playlist Wednesday folks! We are gonna stray a little bit from our usual Indie Rock music this week. It's shocking, I know, but sometimes I do listen to other types of music. (Now, let's not get crazy, I don't do it that much.)

Alright, I am not sure if you have heard the new Adele song, but, man oh man she came back with a song that just speaks right to ya.

The album is named 25. They say this will be the last one she calls a number on the name of her albums. The new song released is Hello. If you are not a fan of hers, you have to at least give the woman credit. She sings and people become moved by her voice. That's a unique gift in itself.

"It's no secret, that the both of us are running out of time. Hello .... I am calling to tell you that I am sorry for breaking your heart, but it don't matter, clearly it doesn't bother you anymore.."

Those are some powerful lyrics written. Beautiful. Just an angelic like voice that she has, that brings people together over a common pain or a common voice that people stop just to listen to. That's what music is supposed to do. Make you feel. I hope that you will give her new song a listen, I found it to be quite beautiful.

Okay, so let's see what else may be making the playlist for Charmed Destiny. This playlist is gonna be hard for me.There's so many songs, and just so little time.  I have been taking my time trying to put this one together. I also promise in the back of the book the list will be made public, not just on my blog, but of course, you guys get the list before anyone else.

Let's see if I can't find some good ones that are a little out of my box.
Here we go....

The Weekend- Can't feel my face.

Haha! Love this song. I have no idea why, but I do. I love the beat, and when it switches up in the first 20 seconds of the song. It makes you feel like you could just stop, listen, and bust a move. (Some throwback to the 90's there.)

It's not surprising I like the new Ellie Goulding song either. This chick has a voice that I recognize immediately. I like it when I can know who the band or the singer is immediately. She also has the kind of unique voice I love.

Ellie Goulding- On my mind is the new single or it's the only one I can find right now.

X Ambassadors- Renegade

This song reminds me a lot of another band, in fact at first I thought it was them, but no it's not.The Kongos, is the band whom I thought it was, which is another band I really do like. The song is even played on a commercial. It's kind of hard to not like honestly. I haven't really listened to much of the other songs, but I do like that one.

I apologize.. I couldn't let this go without talking about Panic at the Disco. (Alternative Rock, of course)

Panic at the Disco- Victorious

They have released quite a few songs from their upcoming album, Death of a Bachelor. The one that is being played the most is Victorious. It's a pretty great song, if you like them, and I do.

That's all I have for this playlist Wednesday ... I hope you find some songs you like in this list for today. As usual, if you like it, buy it. They work hard to give us the music we love.

Peace, Love, and all that Jazz- Dee King

Monday, October 26, 2015


Good Morning to all of you.

I am writing today because I am not sure if I will get the playlist out on Wednesday, but I am hopeful.

I always talk about random things, but today, I thought I would share a little insight into the magical world I am in right now. (Book wise, of course, otherwise I just sound crazy.)

Finishing up the last of the Charmed Destiny book has been a real roller coaster for me. Especially, since I am writing from the male perspective. I am not a guy so I am not even sure I am doing this right. Haha. I think I have the attitude down of the character, but I also wanted to show his softer side. Writing about different worlds, magical places is a lot of fun, but also very hard. You have to remember what each character can do as a god or goddess. Of course, this is all make believe, so they can do just about anything. I wanted to make the characters older also in this book, yet keep them young because I don't use time in this one.

In this story, Sebastian's story, he is faced with things he didn't even know was possible to happen to him. He thought that once the big day was there that everything would be fine, but nothing is fine. That's how life is. You go through your day to day, and then boom, something happens. You either learn to rise above, cope with, or strike back. I believe Sebastian is the strike back type of guy.
Now, obviously Selene is a main character in this, but I brought in many new characters too, and some old ones. I believe in my first book of this series it wasn't exactly how I wanted, but it was my story to write. Believe me, I heard a lot of critics and I wanted to make this one better. I wanted to follow the love story of Selene and Sebastian, but also bring in real life scenarios that could happen. Now, of course, this is fantasy, and these people are not real, but I wanted readers to develop a sense of admiration for certain characters.

When I wrote my second book, my first stand alone, Enchanted Legacy, I wanted to bring a badass chick that had to deal with things that were hard so that at one point she could overcome these tragedies. I wanted to finish the Charming series empowering the young mind that no matter what life throws at you, you can do this. I want readers to walk away from books saying if they can do it, so can I.

Again, I have heard the critics, I have heard the put downs, I have heard everything bad thing that was said about my first book ever wrote. It was hard to hear, but I wanted to push myself that much more to become a better writer. In no way, shape or form, am I the best at any of this.. Heck, I am not even sure if people still read my ramblings, but if just one person does, then I feel like I have accomplished my goal. If just one person reads one of my books, and walks away thinking that she or he can be anything they want, then that alone is all I need.

When I started writing I wrote for myself. I wrote to feel and put down emotions onto paper in so many ways. (I use a computer and type now, but old school writing is fun too.) I kept in the back of my mind that nobody would read what I wrote, and that it didn't matter I did it for myself. Then I sold copies of my books, and that felt great. What I think people don't understand is that when others bash your hard work, and when they get the chance to ridicule you, they take it. That's something you, as an author, have to get used to taking too.

I will never be the best, I will never be the multi-selling author that others are, I just want to be me. I think that's why I push for people to believe in themselves, and for you to live your dreams. I have the chance to do that on a daily basis, but it doesn't seem to always be easy. When you do anything that you love and you turn into a career, it won't be. I never thought it would.

On a daily basis I ask myself, why am I doing this? Does anyone even care? Hell, do I even care anymore. I find myself questioning my thoughts, my writing, my critics, my fans.. Then I stop. Yes, I care, and I care more than I should at times. I want to tell stories, I want to bring happiness to others. I think that's always been my main goal. Happiness. Bringing a story to life is my way of doing that.

I know that this all sounds very odd from me, when I usually promote the believe in yourself idea. But, with every good day comes a bad day, and turning that bad day around into a good day is my main goal. If you are striving for a goal don't give up! Heck, I know that's easier said than done, because I struggle too. We are human, we aren't gods. (Haha, I just had to throw that in.)

Keep pushing, keep fighting, keep being you, because in the end the only person that will love you, is you. If you have a goal, a dream, make it a reality.

Thanks for always taking the time to read my ramblings, and being so amazing to me.

You encourage me every single day! (I hope I encourage you in that same way.)

Peace, Love, and all that Jazz- Dee

P.S. If you didn't know I do have a website that lets you in on a few of my things I have shared across social media. Feel free to check it out too. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Thank you...

 Thank you to everyone who got my book for free this past week. I made it into the top 500 list on amazon for Fantasy. That was a fantastic feeling. I appreciate it very much.

Let's see what we have for this week...

Not as much as I would like, but just a little bit of news.

I am trying to work on the ending of Charmed Destiny, to get to last and final book for the Charming series. WOW! When I first set out to do this, I never thought it was going to be this hard. I am finding that it's not as easy as I would have liked. But, with anything that you do, you just have to keep trying. I feel like I lost focus after watching my second book I ever wrote not do as well, as we had all expected. Then I was reminded that nothing happens over night. This is a long journey, and if you are a writer your journey is never over.

I find myself slipping down the rabbit hole at times (Alice in wonderland reference there. Haha.)
and to push myself, I think why did I start all of this to begin with?
I started this journey because I wanted to share stories, I wanted to empower others, so they could empower the ones around them. We all have dreams, and we lose sight of those dreams at times, but I never wanted to give up.

Soon, I will start working on the playlist for this book. I am not sure what direction it's going to go in. Love story, heavy metal, rock, ballads, this is just the start of what I have listened to while writing this book. I always want the music I chose to tell a story from my story. That's why I find the playlist important. I also think I am going to actually list the playlist this time in the back of the book, so others can listen and see if they figure out the emotions of the book.

That seems to be all I have for today. Again, I thank you for all your support! YOU ROCK!
 Peace, Love, and all that Jazz- Dee

Friday, October 9, 2015


                                   For the next FIVE days I am offering Charming Selene,
                                             for  FREE on KINDLE!

That's right.. My first book ever published is free on amazon (kindle) right now! It's already in the top 500 for Fantasy novels, and I would be so grateful to get into the top 100!
Can you help me out??


I am not sure how many times I can offer the book for FREE but I wanted to do this to give back to all the people who help me out on a daily basis. You do not go unseen!


Charming Selene is a YA novel, so please don't forget that, but I have been told that any age could read it.

Peace, Love, and all that Jazz- Dee 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


 What? Two posts in one week? It can't be true.. (It is, though) I just thought I would shake it up for a minute.

I have slacked so much on sharing my playlists with you guys, that I started feeling guilty. This is one of those posts. Music is in me, it's what drives me, and today it's time to share some of the tunes I've been loving lately.

So many albums came out this summer, that I totally forgot to share with you guys. Some were some great buys, some were okay buys. Let's start with a recent album purchase.

Meg Myers- Album- Sorry.

This is her debut album. She had released two previous albums on her website, but they were not a complete album. (I bought those too, just a little FYI.) Anyhow, the song Lemon Eyes, is hitting the radio stations across the country. Now, if you listen to the radio station, 96.5 The Buzz in Kansas City, you would have heard most of her songs before she became as popular as she is. She has a unique sound, her first song that became a huge hit was the song with lyrics that say, How do you want me? That song took people by storm. The album is pretty great. I think you have to be a fan of alternative music to know who she might be, but she is worth the listen.

Alright, who else do we have?

Churches- Second Album.

Now, this band doesn't spell their name that way, but it's the only way to spell it out.

This being their second album, I have been patiently waiting. ( I say patiently, but that's kind of a lie)
I had loved their first album, which had songs like The Mother we share on it, and I was hoping this album was just as great. It totally is! (That was my cool rocker voice. Haha)
The newest song they are playing is Leave a Trace. This song is pretty amazing too. I have loved the whole album. She has such a sweet innocence to her voice, a little like Ellie Goulding. I am a huge fan on theirs!

Let's see.. Like I said so much music..

Florence and the Machine- Album number three!

Man, this chick just makes my heart happy. Her voice, her lyrics, just carry you away at times.
Now, she is pretty much a hippie chick living in the wrong era, but does that really matter when you can sing like that? Nah.
My favorite song from the latest album is What kind of Man. She pushes the envelope with this song. It has a great beat, and the words make me happy. She's kind of amazing. (I am a huge fan if you can't tell.)

I have so many bands that I could go on for like ever.. But today we will let this be it. As usual, if you like the music and check them out, please make sure you purchase the album. They work hard to make you happy.

Okay, folks, that's all I have for this blog post today, and just like every post, I live you with my words of wisdom. (Haha, yea, I laughed too.)

Peace, Love, and All that Jazz- Take care of you- Dee King

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Time Flies...

 I have been so out of it lately that everything is flying by me. I had a lot going on, and doesn't seem that I can make time stand still yet. ( I am working on magical powers. Haha. Just kidding.)
 Anyhow, time has been flying by, and not that I am ignoring my blog, it's just lately I can't find anything to keep current updates on. When you get stuck in a writing coma (that's what I will call it) it's hard to come out of it and share with everyone.

I have been working on the second book of the Charming Series for what seems to be forever. I am almost at the end of it though. This book is different for me, I found myself challenged more by trying to speak from the male perspective. I wanted to tell the story from Sebastian's point of view, and yet, let you still know how Selene was dealing with all that was changing in their lives.

When I first had the idea of just writing a book, I actually never thought I would go through with it. Now, I am on my third book (of writing books) and it often still feels like I am a rookie at this. I would say I am though. I don't have a college degree, I don't have people banging down my door for wanting to sign me, I don't have lots of money coming in from my books, that's just not my life. I didn't want that in many ways. All I ever wanted was to write a story that people walked away from going.. Yea, I could be that. I wanted to show the different sides of people, of myself, and more importantly, people could do anything if they wanted it bad enough.

When I get down on myself, I think of you. I go back to the times where I watched my blog numbers grow all across the globe, and how I couldn't believe people read what I was saying. Here, I am in all my nerdyness, just yapping away about things people may not even care about, yet somehow they did. The blog was supposed to always be about me talking about random things that had to do with my writing, but when I took a break from writing, I wondered if people would still want to read what I had to say.

You are your own worst enemy, is a phrase I think of often. I know for a fact that I am my own. No one will ever be able to tell you anything about yourself, that you don't already feel at times in your life. That's also why I talk so much about believing in yourself, and having the power to make that happen. If you can't find that within you, you won't find it anywhere else either. The sad part is that just because I am getting older, doesn't seem to always make me wiser. I want to be that person, but I find that I am often still learning.. Learning about people, learning about life, and learning that every day should be a blessing.

I am always lucky to live the life I live. It could be a thousand times worse, and I have to find some peace within myself, knowing that this is the way you should look at things. Life's not fair, life's not easy, I don't believe it was meant to be. We all have to keep pushing ourselves to do what we need to do in our lives to find the best us we can be. I am not even sure if that makes sense, but in a few words, my point would be do your best for you.

I will try and keep you all posted on the book, but as it stands I have about two chapters left to write, then edits. This story has been a long time running for me, and hopefully everyone ends up liking where the book is going to lead in the third book.

Peace, Love, and all that Jazz- Dee