Wednesday, December 23, 2015

It's the most wonderful time of the year

 Today is Christmas Eve, Eve.. Sounds funny when you say that out loud.. Seems weird to be saying it all, actually. It seems like just yesterday we were preparing for the upcoming holidays, but it wasn't this close. The hustle and all that goes into making it a great holiday seems to go by so fast. Holiday parties, buying presents, decorating trees, then in a flash the holidays are over.

Time seems to move by so much faster the older I get. When I was a child it seemed like FOREVER for Christmas to come, and now I keep saying, it's almost Christmas? Where does all of that time go? I remember as a child hearing, Don't grow up too fast, and all I could think of was wanting to grow up fast. It's funny how that happens.. Now, as an adult I hope for more days in a week so that I can get everything done. This week has already flown by, when just last week, I thought I could get everything accomplished this week. Time just always seems to run out..

Finishing up my first round of edits was harder than I thought. I had wanted to be done with them before the winter break came. It happened, but it was a struggle. Writing seems to come more natural to me than actually speaking to others. (I do talk to people, and can be quiet friendly) But, I find writing everything out just seems to go smoother. (Haha, because most of the time I don't have to worry about saying the wrong thing) It lets me get everything off my mind that I feel I can't say aloud. I am sure that I do say many things I shouldn't say aloud, but writing down your thoughts seems to be such an easier task.

When I was a teenager I would write about the holidays, just for myself, everything I had hoped would happen and everything I had wished for would all come magically, on Christmas. Many years, it wasn't about gifts, it was about peace. Peace within myself, peace for my relationship with my parents, and peace within my heart.

Now, I find that writing about the holidays seems to be about making sure that my children are happy, and that they have peace.

Every year is different, last year, I was preparing for what had been one of the worst years of my life to just move on into the new year.. This year I am not waiting for the new year, I am enjoying the every day life.

As the holidays will soon be over I wanted to take a minute and reflect on everything wonderful about the holidays. The food, the family, the friends, and the love. It's my favorite time of the year, and I hope that you have found peace this year too. Remember, it's not always about what's under the tree, but what's in your heart that makes all the magic seem so real.

I wish every one of you a very Happy Holiday! Peace, Love, and all that Jazz- Dee

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Playlist Wednesday

                                Today, we are doing some NEW music that I found this week.

Today, is Playlist Wednesday. Usually it's songs that I will be using in the books.. Today, we are switching that up a little.  By now, if you have read the blog, or if you're new, you should know that I try to promote Indie Bands, while I also try to promote the music that moves me.

It's a broad range of music, but that's what I like. (I can't help it..) I found some really cool tunes, and some awesome bands on Twitter this week. I decided what better day to share then playlist Wednesday.

Let's just jump right in to the two bands I want to feature this week. (May be an older one too!)

First off, let me say that both bands I contacted could not have been more awesome in response time, and were more than willing to take the time to talk to little ole' me. That speaks volumes for their characters as people. You could really tell they love their fans.

The first band is out of Los Angeles. Now, at first when I hear a band is from there, I go straight into the thought process of  the band 30 seconds from Mars. (Obviously, I'm a big fan of them. Haha)

They are Ships Have Sailed.

They have a song called Drive, that I immediately fell in love with. They are being played on the college radio circuit and have been praised for their first EP, Someday, that was released in 2014. This band has a cool sound.

 I tried to think of who they sounded like to compare them, but honestly I couldn't. All I could think was the song Drive, should be playing on the radio world wide, and possibly in a movie. Typically, I like an Indie band, but not enough to listen to their songs on repeat. This one I did.

They have a great website that allows you to hear their album.. You can also purchase their songs. (Believe me, I will be downloading Drive to my computer to have on repeat!)

(I will share the links at the bottom!)

This band has the potential to rock your socks off if you love Alternative Pop in any way. Be sure to listen to their album, it's most definitely worth it! (Even if you don't, you gotta take a listen, it's worth the 3 minutes to just hear one song!)

Okay, Band Number 2 on my list this week...

The Shameless Pursuit.

They are based from my hometown, Kansas City. This part was exciting for me. I hadn't found a local band to talk about in a while, and then these awesome guys appeared!

The Shameless Pursuit started this past year, 2015, and are already rising artists among the Indie world. They have a singer/songwriter type vibe.

 They have released their first album in October of this year.

They have been played on local radio stations, and the college circuit too. Again, I tried to find a band that I thought I could compare them too.. The only one that kept running through my mind was Death Cab for Cutie. They seriously have a very unique sound like Death Cab does.

Their album, Fall it Forward, took me by surprise. They have this kick ass song, The Opener, and I really enjoyed it. I listened to their album on repeat too. I really enjoy their sound. It's got a hint of folk in there too, but it's also the type of music that you can chill to. If you haven't had the chance to check them out, it's a must! I have to say the song Captains and Kings was my favorite though.

Both bands made me so happy to see that you don't have to be mainstream to be amazing! It gave me hope again in the Indie world of music. (I have had some bands share with me, and I was like.. Oh boy, not sure what to even say about that?)

But then again, these people are pouring their hearts into their music, and that's something I'll always find admirable. No one is going to like every song, by every band, that's why there is such a broad range of music in the world.

If the music moves you, then by all means, keep listening.

I also mentioned that I might talk about an old band today.. It's really not an old band, it's just been around for a while, and I wondered how many people have heard them.

Iron and Wine. It has got to be some of the best folk type music I have ever heard.

They had a very hit song that was played on the Twilight movie soundtracks, and I fell in love with that song. The song, Flightless Bird American Mouth, was so beautiful, it really struck me to the core. I just loved his raspy voice, the lyrics, and the music over all to that song. If you haven't had a chance to hear that song. Please, check it out. You can find the whole album on Spotify, and or Youtube. It's just a song that can move you.

You can slow dance to it, it can make your body sway back and forth, and bring memories of a love. That's what this song does for me.

Alright, so now to the links of the awesome Indie Bands today.

Please go check out these bands, you will not be sorry! And as usual, if you love the music they provide for our listening pleasure, purchase the album. They work hard to bring us such joy!

That's all for today, my fine friends, see you on the flip side!

Peace, Love, and All that Jazz- Dee

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

It's the most wonderful time of the year

It's the month of December and what most people call the most wonderful time of the year. The holiday season is truly upon us with only a couple weeks left till Christmas and the New Year. For whatever reason people seem more giving and caring at this time of year. Maybe it's the "holiday spirit" may be it's the fact that people do seem to like to give than to receive more at this time of year than any other time.

 For whatever reason, I find it uplifting.

Many people have different beliefs, many people in many countries celebrate the holidays in their own customs and ways. Some people are very religious and take this time of year to share their beliefs with others. I don't do that.. I won't be doing that. I feel the holidays are so much more than what people perceive them to be. It's not about your religious beliefs, it's not about how much you can buy for others, it's about what's in your heart.

That being said, if we were going to go off of belief systems then Christmas would actually be celebrated a different time of year, but again that's all subject to the person's beliefs.

I find that celebrating what I believe, celebrating the family time, and the love with one another is where I find the joy of the holiday season. Everyone should be able to enjoy the holidays as they wish.

When I was a child I have some of the fondest memories waking up on Christmas morning, the house already having this wonderful aroma in the air, and the feeling of joy in my heart. Now, my birthday is the very next day, so sometimes it was the excitement of that too, but for the most part I enjoyed the holiday.

 As a grown up I have spent a Christmas alone, I have spent holidays giving back to the homeless (it's wonderful to be able to give back when you can) I have spent the holiday traveling back and forth to family, I have spent the holiday crying.. Every year is different, every holiday season is different for each person.

This holiday I would like to just take a time to reflect on the past year, the past holidays, and make this one count. Last year we had almost what you would call a Christmas miracle happen.. I am not looking for anything like that this year, just a wonderful season of love and joy.

Many people suffer with being depressed this time of year, for whatever reason, and I am hoping that they find some peace and joy in this holiday season too.

We all come from different back grounds, different places, but that doesn't mean that we can't be kind to one another. Not just for the holidays, but in our every day life. Of course, not everyone is going to be able to do that, especially with the evil that seems to be lurking over our heads so much lately. BUT it's a nice holiday wish.

With all of this being said, I wanted to share a song with all of you today. I am not religious, I am not what most people are, I don't share many of my religious beliefs, but I found this song, and it was just beautiful.

I love music, and I love natural talent of the voices that can bring you joy. It doesn't matter what you believe, when you hear a song and it moves you, that's all that matters for those few minutes. I believe that you can like music, you can like songs that you enjoy, and it doesn't matter what your religious beliefs are. I hope that you find this song beautiful, and that may be for those few minutes it takes you to a peaceful place whatever you believe.

-Peace, Love, and all that Jazz- Dee