Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Y'all know what day it is!!

Hey, Hey, Hey!! It's Playlist Wednesday! I told you guys that in June some of my favorite bands were releasing new albums.. and oh boy did they!

Let's just jump right in.. I chose the first album because they are one of my all time favorite bands.
MUSE! They really "brought it" on the album Drones. The guitar riffs alone.. one word.. WOW!
Really listen to the music, it's truly a talent. Of course, Muse has been around for twenty years, so they are doing something right!
Not everyone is going to be a fan, but then again, I don't follow the norm. (Normal is boring from what I have heard.)

I listened to the entire album, then did it again.. Searching for a song. Searching for one new favorite song. This was a task in itself. I found one that spoke to me. All of the songs are amazing, but this one just had that.. drive! The drive to make me feel something. The words are powerful, but also political. The entire album seems to be political though. Hence, the name of the album, Drones.

You can find their music in any store almost.. Itunes is offering their music as well. Spotify is covering this new album too. Youtube even has a video.. Who would have known? (What isn't on youtube these days?)

So, without further ado, I give you one of my favorite songs from the album, and a song I will be using. Hope you enjoy! -Dee-

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

A little bit of me..

Where you find happiness in breaking others down I find sadness..
Where you chose to be ungrateful I find gratitude..
Where you leave a nasty mark, I leave a smile..
Where you chose to hide behind a mask, I show my face..
Where you chose to live a life to follow others, I chose to lead a life less followed..

A little bit of me hides behind the walls I have built for myself..
You chose to try to break those down, while breaking me..
A little bit of me chooses whether to accept or deny the real you..
You chose to feel pain, and I chose to feel joy.
A little bit of me loves a little bit more each day..
You chose to turn love into pain..
A little bit of me is deciding my fate today..
You may chose to be here or not.. But ultimately..
I chose to have a little bit of me happy, then in the dark place you would like me...

-Dee King-

Monday, June 15, 2015


Dearest Monday... You have once again, came to fast!
Hope all of you have a great Monday, but let's be real.. It's Monday, so it's probably not going to be the best day, but here's to hoping! 
-Dee King-

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Can't wait for the weekend

I am always excited about the weekend, but this weekend is different. I need a break. Sometimes with stress and daily life you just need a break from all the constant in your life. I welcome the weekend today with open arms! 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Y'all know what day it is!!

  Playlist Wednesday! I started writing again on my wordpress yesterday! I will be writing on both again.. Just not every day. If I did that, I may never get the chance to write again. Hahaha

Okay, for today I chose a song about being a hero. I feel like we all can be our own hero's if we try. You don't have to move cars with one hand, and you don't have to run into burning buildings to be a hero. You can be your own hero in your own right.

In Charmed Destiny, they are looking for a hero among themselves. Hopefully, they find that hero..

Here is Hall of Fame by The Script... ENJOY!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

It's Playlist Wednesday

It's that time again folks.. Playlist Wednesday. I am always in search of good music, and yesterday I was finally able to hear the whole album I have been waiting for.

Florence and the Machine debuted her newest album this week. It is amazing. She is so different, and unique. Her voice, her songs, they just move me some how. Of course, I talked about this before, but it is finally here. The new album is How Big How Blue How Beautiful. It's weird, it's different, and it's definitely her. She has a way with words. As I wrote yesterday to the new album, I felt like she was telling a story with this album. A love story in sort of way. I think I will always be a huge fan of hers. Some years back, I bought the Twilight soundtrack. Eclipse to be precise. (Don't judge me.. LOL ) all for one song. The song by Florence and the Machine. I loved her since I heard that song. Today, I will share that song. I will always encourage you to pay for the music that you hear, give back to the ones who provide you with the tunes you love.

I am using a song from the newest album, I just haven't narrowed it down yet... Heck, I might use Heavy in your Arms again for Charmed Destiny. You never know.

Alright, so that's my music for today. Check her out if you don't know her, and if you do.. Then you should definitely hear the new album. Thank you as always.. Peace, Love and All that Jazz -Dee-

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

It's all about the Teasers...

I wanted to share some of the teasers with you guys.. Maybe I had forgotten about some of them. 
Here goes nothing! 

There are so many, but I chose some of the ones that I felt really captured Bridget in her darkest form. I hope you guys are enjoying the book. 
Till tomorrow, Peace, Love and all that Jazz. -Dee King-